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Todoroki stood outside, he wanted to talk to Izuku, to see if he was okay, this is what he's been waiting for, he took in a breath. He saw Izuku walking out of the school, on his phone, he was just about to approach him when Uaraka ran up behind him, she smiled at him.
"Hey Deku!" She smiled, Todoroki growled, his plan failed again, it was always Uaraka or Bakugo.
"Hey Iida!" Todoroki said when he saw the blue haired boy walk past him, "what is your opinion on Uaraka?" Iida looked at him, then looked away, blush filled his face.
"Why do you ask Todoroki?" Iida asked, the red white haired male smiled, Iida didn't pay any mind to it.
"I don't know, you two seem really good for each other." Iida looked at him, "I can help you!"
"Y-You can?"
"I will!"

It was simple, get Uaraka away from Izuku, then talk to Izuku, Iida held his note close to his chest. "Don't be scared Iida! It's Uaraka." Todoroki smiled, Iida nodded and walked to Uaraka.
"C-can we talk?" He asked, Uaraka nodded and the two walked away, Todoroki ran over to Izuku.
"Hey Izuku!" Todoroki said, Midoriya looked up at him, "sorry, Midoriya!"
"Oh hey Todoroki. I wanted to thank you for getting me away from the villains." Midoriya smiled, Todoroki felt his heart stop, that smile, he loved that smile.
"It was no problem, I-"
"Okay class to your seats." Aizawa said, Todoroki felt rage, why did class have to start now? He sighed and went back to his seat. "Now it the time we talk about the sports festival."
"Are you sure that's a bright idea, like we just got attacked by villains! And Midoriya is still hurt!" Mineta said, "plus it's a unfair advantage! He's the son of All Might." And everything just came crushing down on the class, it hit Midoriya harder then anyone, Aizawa sighed.
"Midoriya is here just like the rest of you, he's here to be a hero. Even if he's the son on All Might, I mean we have the son of Endeavor here as well." He said, everyone was quiet, Todoroki's eye twitched at the mention of his father, Midoriya didn't look at anyone, Todoroki stood up and grabbed Midoriya, dragging him out of the room.
                        "Oh hell no!" Bakugo stood up, but Aizawa stopped him, Bakugo tried to get out of the capture weapon, but failed.
"Todoroki! Where are we going!?" Todoroki dragged the boy out of school, they just walked, midoriya looked around, "wait." He stoped, Todoroki did too. "We're going to the park aren't we?"
"Todoroki." Midoriya said, "wh-why?"
"My old man is a scumbag." Todoroki said, "plus, you looked like you needed to get out of there. I don't want you to be sad." Midoriya looked at him, he saw small little tears.
"Todoroki?" The bicolor haired boy sat down on a bench, Midoriya sat next to him.
"I came to the park everyday, I just wanted to see you again, but then... we were in the same class, I couldn't put my finger on it, but it was you!" Todoroki started to smile creepily, "Uaraka, She's a problem, a big one. Then there is Bakugo-"
"Todoroki! Hold on." Todoroki stood up, he started to mumble, he was walking back and fourth. "TODOROKI!" But that didn't stop him, the now Yandere looked at his Senpai, a smiled spread across his face. "Todoroki? What are you-"
"Get away from him!" Bakugo punched Todoroki in the jaw, the boy looked at the other boy, his problem. Toshinori ran over and pulled Midoriya close.
"Kacchan stop!" Izuku tried to get out of his dad's hold, Nezu and Aizawa soon came, Bakugo was kicking Todoroki in the gut. Izuku got out of his dad's hold, he pushed Bakugo off of Todoroki. "You hurt him!"
"I hurt him? He was gonna hurt you!" Midoriya pulled Todoroki close, "move out of the way nerd! You don't know what he did to Uaraka."
"Like you would Care Kacchan!" Midoriya pulled Todoroki up, he then got him away, Bakugo glared at him. Toshinori put a hand on his shoulder.
"I have a really bad feeling about Todoroki." Bakugo growled, Toshinori sighed, they watched as Midoriya walked away from them.
"Izuku~" Todoroki smiled at the boy, he moved some hair out of Izuku's face, "thank you."
"Let's just get you to recovery girl okay?" Izuku said, Todoroki nodded, he held his side, when they got there Midoriya put Todoroki on a bed, Recovery girl walked over.
"See Bakugo is getting in the way of our love Izuku!" Todoroki said, Midoriya sighed, "please Izuku, I love you. I really do."
"What did Kacchan mean? About Uaraka?"
"She was in the way, I didn't hurt her hurt her... just a small stab, plus she almost killed you!" Izuku looked down, "but! Her and Iida!"
"Todoroki, why?"
"Because you belong to me! And me only Izuku! I'll hurt anyone just to be with you!" Izuku stood up, Recovery Girl looked at him, "Izuku!"
"I'll-I'll talk to you later Todoroki." Izuku left the room, Todoroki felt his heart break, Bakugo, Bakugo had to go. He didn't care if it means that he has to kill him.

It was getting close to the sports festival, Todoroki has been watching Bakugo, he was getting close to Izuku, his Izuku. Uaraka was also getting close, the two were fighting, again, midoriya looked displeased. "Hey Izuku." The green haired boy looked up, he had a look of relief on his face. "Wanna go train?"
"That would be nice!" Izuku stood up, the two didn't even notice Izuku was gone, Uaraka stoped.
"What do you think Deku?" She looked at his seat, he wasn't there, "Deku?"
"You guys looking for Midoriya?" Denki asked, "he just left with Todoroki." Bakugo pushed Uaraka and ran out the door, Uaraka not too far behind. "What is going on with them?" Denki asked Aizawa, the teacher just sighed, Shinso walked in. "SHINSO!"
"Okay Pikachu calm down or you'll short circuit again." Shinso smiled at his lover.

Todoroki felt pride, something he's never felt before, him and Midoriya were training alone in Endeavor's trading room, Todoroki didn't want to hurt him.
"SHOTO!" Todoroki heart dropped, he looked at Midoriya, there was a loud bang, Midoriya hid behind Todoroki, the door opened and there stood Endeavor.

And he looked mad.

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