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"you are my dad, You're my dad! Boogie Woogie Woogie!"

"You are my dad, you're my dad! Boogie Woogie Woogie"

Izuku thought that he was right behind Tsu and Uaraka, but here he was, a unknown place, Izuku slowly opened his eyes, he heard his phone ringing.
           "Papa..." he whimpered, the building was crushing him, he heard someone call his name but he couldn't yell back, his sight started to go black, but before he fully blacked out, he saw two men, one with hands all Over him and the other with burnt scars all over him.
             "Get the phone Dabi. I'll get this." The blue haired man placed his hand on the rock, disintegrating it, Dabi walked over and pulled Izuku out, Toga walked over and handed Dabi a medical kit.
              "WHERE IS HE?" They heard all Might yell, Toga gave the sky a sad look, she then looked down, Dabi started to clean the wound.
              "We can't move him till I stitch this up. Keep an eye out for any heroes." The two nodded and kept watch, Izuku started to groan. "Hey Izuku, I need you to say still for me okay?"
                "We'll get you to your dad okay? Just stay still, I would hate to tell Shoto that his lover is dead." Dabi said, Izuku slowly looked up at him, "you're doing so great, now comes the painful part." Dabi grabbed a needled and thread, and started to stitch Izuku up.
                  "AH!" He yelled in pain, Dabi placed a hand on Izuku's left side, "p-papa... papa..."
                  "Stop movin' Izuku." Dabi said, he tried his best, "Shigaraki, I got it somewhat closed, let's bring him back to base to we can put him under." Shigaraki nodded, he waved Toga over, Dabi grabbed Izuku's arm, who screamed in pain, "shhh... it's okay. I'll be okay." Dabi pulled Izuku over his shoulders and started to walked after Shigaraki and toga who were by the warp gate. He heard movement, then he started to run, looking back he saw Endeavor but the hero wasn't looking at him, he then walked through the gate.

  Izuku slowly opened his eyes, he looked to be in a hospital, but at the same time he wasn't, then someone walked in.
              "Good to see you are okay." Izuku looked to see Dabi, but he didn't really know how he was, "Shoto is worried, he doesn't know we have you, and your dad. Well your old man is having a huge fit." Izuku tried to sit up, but he felt a hand in his chest, Shigaraki sat next to him, a glove on his hand, but two fingers didn't have finger wholes. "You still need to rest little bunny. Before we can get you to a real hospital."
                  "Don't do anything stupid okay?" Shigaraki said as he stood up, "get some sleep." He then walked out with Dabi, Izuku was shaking, two villains, he was in the same building with two villains, maybe even more. But he felt the pain hit him, the tiredness of the attack hitting him hard, with the oxygen mask on him he slowly fell asleep.

Dabi sat at the bar, Shigaraki next to him building a house of Cards, the door slammed open and the cards fell, Shigaraki looked up to see Mr. Compress and Twice, out of breath.
"Long story short." Mr. compress said, "All Might is pissed and spotted us."
"What?!" Shigaraki said, Dabi stood up, "the Boy is still healing, we can't move him."
"Shiggy and I will go and move Izuku, you guys stall All Might." Shigaraki looked at Dabi, but the black haired man stared him down, the blue haired male sighed and followed Dabi.
"How do we do this?" Shigaraki asked, "he lost a lot of blood and needs oxygen." Dabi nodded and pulled some keys, "Dabi, no."
"It's the only way." Shigaraki sighed and caught the keys, while Dabi started to get Izuku ready to get in the truck, Izuku groaned. "Hey hey. It's okay, we are moving you okay?" Izuku nodded, the oxygen mask fogging up, Dabi wheeled the bed over to the back of the truck, him and Shigaraki pulled the bed up into the truck bed. Shigaraki got in the drivers seat while Dabi stayed in the back with Izuku.

Recovery girl walked around the school getting some greasy air, Grand Torino walking beside her, they heard doors close, the two walked over to the sound.
"Midoriya!" Recovery Girl said, Dabi looked at her, she walked over to them, Shigaraki handed Dabi the phone, "what condition is he in?"
"I tried stitching him up the best way I can, might want to look at that so it wouldn't get infected, he lost a lot of blood... well it looked like he did." Recovery girl nodded "he's on oxygen."
"Got it. Thanks boys, you guys are real heroes." She said, "Torino call Toshinori, tell him Izuku is All right." The old man nodded and walked off, "be a dear and help me get him to the infirmary." She said to Dabi and Shigaraki. The two nodded and helped her. They left as soon as the came. Izuku woke up a bit, but it seemed that he wasn't really awake. Toshinori ran in, out of breath, he saw his son in the hospital bed.
"Izuku... Izuku!" He ran to him, he heard the heart monitor beep, that was good, but the tube in his mouth was another thing.
"It won't be for long Toshinori, he hasn't eaten in a while meaning he's been asleep the whole time he was missing." Recovery Girl said, Toshinori nodded, "he wakes up once in a while, but he's not really awake."
"H-How is he?"
"Good, from what I can tell, he was crushed under the mall." She said sitting in a chair, "I had to re-stitch him because it started to get infected." Toshinori held his son's hand.
"I should've gone with him, I should've said no..." he started to cry, "oh my boy... I'm so so sorry." He pleaded his head on the bed next to Izuku's elbow while he held his hand up, "I love you so much my little All Might." Toshinori smiled, kissing his hand, Recovery Girl walked out letting the father be with his son.

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