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Please look at the Oc's first so you have a idea about how they will look like

No one's Prov.

Humans are the top predators, they have strength ,they have an incredible intelligence and are a very social creature. It was known that they had the power over the world and nothing was in between that. But one day this powerful being had to learn that they alone aren't the predators of their world, Vampirs a new found information about beings much stronger as them and living off their life energy, blood. Even in the knowing that this new found creature is stronger as them they fight against them to regain their power over their world.
Truly it was a battle a war that the two sides fought equally but the confidence of the Vampirs was the exact same mistake the humans made before they came.
The thing about fate, the world and everything else is that you always should expect the thing that isn't thought about and not make the same mistakes as your enemies, the mistake that they used to overtake the humans had over token them.......it was so simple, so easy that
they also never where the predators to begin with. They couldn't even imagine that this simple mistake changed many things and they couldn't predict what would happen with that new game setting .

The reason why this fate and history will and would be changed is pretty easy in their eyes, it just simple was to boring to just watch. No human or vampire should get on their nerve in the upcoming events or underestimate them.

2nd. prove.

On the date of XXXX landed a stange light of white and black in Japan, earth the only things that nearby standing vampires and soldiers could see where colden shining chains, white wings that where black on the tips, stretch out of the smoge and piercing colden colored ires in black eyes. To say they where scared and fascinated was a understatement. Even so the next thing is that 13 other outlines behind it could be seen and that was the last thing they had seen before they where dead on the floor. The only reason that the higher ups knew about this are footages taken from holograms of the dead soldiers of human and vampire.
Some thinking that it was an angel to help them, some thinging of a fallen angel or devilish being to help fight against their enemy's a weapon to use to help them win in this war.
A angel? Yes, everything they had guessed was right but one of the smaller but most deadliest mistakes made was the one question that no one had ask himself but most definitely should of made is
Who sayed that an Angel had to help or saves you/them and not just do the opposite and destroy everything as their way of fun ?

> time skip to 10 years <

Yuu and his team are fighting against many nobels and he finally found his long lost family mika. Guren and his team had to help them, a retreat was something they couldn't do anymore so they hoped that they would hold up long enough for some help or a miracle that they would some how win against them. Both of it was unlikely they couldn't call for help or hold up long enough even though mika helped Yuu with vampires so he wouldn't get hurt but even the half vampire looked beaten up. The sword of the vampire was just slightly too close almost stabbing the humans and the half vampire but every one holded their movement and looked at the frozen white Haired vampire. Ferid looked a meter in from of him, there was his arm clean cut of and a big wound on his neck. The sarcastic and narcissistic vampire Lord felt a chilling sentence from behind him so he leaped to his arm and turned around to look at what there was in the back behind him.
From the thick smog you could see a person and a audible sound that everyone could hear becouse of the silence on the battlefield.
,, Tsk, he just had to move. I had such a perfect opening. ,, The voice was deep but even so you could tell that it was coming from a woman. Out of the smog came a beautiful girl in a unique looking Uniform
,, Well not that it would matter killing him would be to easy if he didn't resist. ,, A devilish smirk could be seen on her face and her eyes looked crazed. With a lick of her upper lip she whistled a high note, with the signal eight guyes attacked the other vampires bringing twelve of them down with deadly wounds and freeing their "comrades" at the same time.
,,Y/N-Sama did you see I took down 2 guys with my scythes, wasn't I a good boy ? ,,
,,Yes Hiroto here are your headpats ,, the cute little boy with white hair and blue eyes smiled with his eyes closed.
,, Now Okami, Torao and Kitsu you three take on form 2 and help the others kill the remaining vampires not one should remain but the half vampire and the Noble. Get to work everyone, show no mercy and have fun~!,,
With that they run around killing countless vampires and having smiles placed on their faces. The girl that is most likely the leader of the group run full speed at the noble and fought him without breaking a single drop of sweat. First she got 2 gun's and shot him multiple times in the legs and switched to a katana cutting off his two arms and before he could reincarnated she got behind him and hold a scythe around his neck.
,, Don't you fucking move you dammed Noble, just watch all of your distasteful and disgusting vampire minions have already died so if you just have a littel bit more intelligent than, you know that you better not move a single of your fucking limbs. So get up and stay still. AKITO. You will look after him and always have your bow drawn at his dammed head. ,,
The Girl also know as Y/N walks to the boys that stand before and behind the soldiers in their green uniforms, looking as if the unique uniformed solders watched that they wouldn't do anything rash and as they awaitet further orders of the woman. Yuu, Mika and his team looked conflited about who that is but had to think that they at least weren't soldiers of the vampires. Guren took a step forward and in a blink of an eye a red katan was on his neck so that it slightly bleed but nothing serious. His unit and the younger team minus the vampire shouted his name in either worry or anger.
,,GUREN!!!!! Damm You get Away from HIM!!!,, even so before they could approach them they themselves had a weapon pointed at them, some of them even from the same person. Mito and Norito where grabbed on the neck from behind and shoved in the ground from a boy looking like a tiger hybrid. Right by there side where Sayuri and Shigure also grabbed from behind on there necks but with a swift kick in the knees they where an their knees, a fox hybrid holding them in place. The oldest of the three sibling looking had shoved Kimizuki to lay on his stomach as he pressed his knee on the pinknetts back and holds his neck firm so his face is in the dirt, the wolf hybrid stayed silent but you could see that he was displeased that someone even dared to attack her. His younger siblings made it vocal, the youngest insulted the two woman and his ears where turned down and the older of the younger growled at the woman and men. On the left Shinoa had a sword pressed firmly in front of her neck, that just one big inhale would risk getting cut. Mitsuba was pinned on the ground from the same person a foot on her back and a speer next to her head as a warning, the dirty white-cream colored hair and yellow eye colored guy frowned and let out a loud 'tsk'. Yoichi was kneeling with a gun on his head and on his right Yuichiro, a foot firmly on his back and the second gun pointed at him, the guy that did this had royal Blue hair and sky blue eyes. Mikaela had a scythe around his neck that had killed many vampires just a moment a go, even so he didn't had any sort of felling like revange or anger ,no he felt uneasy becouse he had seen how fast the boy could kill vampires even tho they where much more in numbers. The only thing that mika could see in the Cristal blue eyes of the white Haired boy was the enormous amount of how enraged he was that everyone that had seen the murderous killer look they couldn't even breath right. So the only thing they could do is look to the front where the woman talked to the boy with red eyes and white hair, he had claws coming from his cloves and held them to the neck of the Nobel vampire even tho they looked alike, they could see a cross in the eyes of the unknown boy, instead of a pupil like a slite like vampire. There was a silence so thick you couldn't really breath but to the unknown people they were more then over that state. The leader of them the woman was in front the kneeling vampire and lifted his face up to look at her. Her smirk was clear and even her voice had it in it.
,, Well if we don't have the 7th. Progenitor before us. Ferid Bathory. I really thought that you had already been prepared for our meeting. I was a little disappointed by your lack of professionalism isn't is your hobby to plan everything,, with that she harshly pushed his face in the other direction and stood tall in front of him, a displeased look plasted on her face, then she turned around living the dark looking and blushing man behind.

'never in my life had I such a feeling, this woman should of got on my nerve but the way she handelt me so harsh such power and her personality just made me feel soooo much more pleasure than rage'-ferid

As the woman walked to guren that had been brought to his knees, from the brown Haired male with yellow and blue heterochromic eyes, in the short time and had now a dagger instead of a Katana pressed on his neck. Even so he looked at the woman with a smirk like smile that she returned but a slightly bit more annoyed than cocky like him.
,, It's good to see you Y/N I just thought we would be goners but you came in the perfect timing.''
,, Really Guren you always know how to get on my nerves. Don't ever thing I do you a favor by coming here, you shouldn't ferget that I hold much more power and have a higher rank. So know what you speak about.''
,,Ohhh~ I know that you cherish our friendship and me.'' The boy that had guren restraint scoffed displeased and snapped at the Male.
,,Don't you dare say such disgusting things to Y/N-Sama ever again you dirty,foolish and utterly dammed baster,,
,, That is enough of you all. Don't forget that he is a rank higher then you. Also let them go you had your fun already with the Vampires those are following soldiers, comrades so you can't do things like that. I command you to release them this instead and come to the front. Also Okami, Torao and Kitsu change back to your first form already you know that you shouldn't do that now.'' Everyone of the eight boys released them and walked to the woman know as Y/N and they all got on one knee bowing to her apologising and wait for her 'OK' and 'stand in order'. They all stood up and stand left and right from her but also one step at the back.
With a bow of the males the sayed their sorrys to the other soldiers.
,, I'm afraid I have to apologise for those a littel more sincerely. I'm terribly sorry for the misbehaving of them its just that they see everyone that tries to attack me as a enemy and get pretty fast overprotective and paranoid to the point that it causes trouble for them and me. As a result they act without always thinking straight.'' she sight and shakes her head to the side. Most of them still slightly angry manly Mito,Shigure,Mitsuba and Kimizuki the others just sweatdropped at he reason and the displeased faces of the males behind her.
,, Let me introduce myself and my unit as a apology. We are the special force unit, we are a group of nine people with special strength and powers so we dont have to take orders more like we can decide if we want to do it or not. We go an missions from alone to just two, three,four,five,six,seven,eight or even all nine.
I'm the leader of this unit and also known as lieutenant Y/N L/N my weapons are those five colden rings with the chains, every ring is a different weapon.
To my right is Izuki [the one with guren] his weapons are the red katana, two daggers, and five knives.
Then we have the triples the first is the oldest Okami, hes a wolf hybrid.
Right from him is the second oldest Torao the tiger hybrid.
Then the youngest Kitsu a fox hybrid.
On my left is Aoi [the one with yuu and yoichi] he is our sniper and as a plus he has two deep blue twin guns.
After him would we normally have Akito but he is with the nobel right now, he my look like a vampire but he isn't, his weapon are dark red claws and a infinity bow.
Then we have Hiroto [with Mika] he has a scythe.
And on the far end stands Haruto [shinoa,mitsuba] he is a double wielder of sword and speer,,

With that the ones unknown where known as the most powerful Squad / Unit. After looking at them when the sun was getting down making them shine the newbies and everyone's thoughts about them changed to something positive in the thought that they are their biggest help, but something was easyly overlooked by them and that was their big spreading shadows that where none of the position of  good or bad!!!!!


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