Chapter 7: The Reunion

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Mondo's pov:

I slowly began to open my eyes to the sounds of birds chirping and the quiet snores of the raven haired boy next to me. He was so fucking adorable, but not in that wait.. like a friend way.! Yeah we're just friends..

I decided it would be best if i got up rather then waste my time laying around but, i didn't want to remove myself from the boys grasp it felt so calming and just overall warm. I can't let my stupid feelings into this he's a prince and i'm just a thief who robbed him from his home, his life in fact. I soon got up and went outside of the cave to be met with gentle sun beams hitting my skin and the slight breeze hitting my face. It was so peaceful i should camp out in places like this more often."Mondo..?" i heard a familiar voice call out "Good mornin' yer highness" i said turning around to be meant with his gorgeous ruby eyes. "Good morning to you too Mondo i hoped you had a restful sleep!" "mm yeah i slept like a log" i snickered. Taka walk towards me and stood by my side admiring the beautiful forest in front of us."It really is peaceful out here isn't it Mondo." Taka noted with a pure smile spread across his face" "Ah um yeah i guess so.." i muttered, to be honest he was right we were deep in the forest surrounded by tall thick trees, there were a variety of colourful flowers and not too far from the cave we were staying at a small river could be seen. It looked like it was taken straight out of one of those story books. "Hey Taka we should get a move" he turned his head so he was facing me and nodded.

We began to walk through the forest it was peaceful and very quiet. I was about to say something until i heard a familiar voice. "MONDO WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" a young boy shouted, it was Chihiro and Leon. I was overjoyed to see my closest friends in front of me "OMG YOU GUYS!!" i said running up to them, embracing the two with a hug. "Where the hell did you run off to" Leon asked while playfully punching my arm. "well you see our little prince got himself in one hell of a situation and i had to step in and we kinda got lost" I replied rubbing the back of my head. "Talking about the prince why isn't he restrained?" Leon asked looking at the red eyed boy. "He don't need ta be, stop acting like he's some fucking wild animal" i snapped back raising a fist to Leon's face. "W-Woah dude calm down didn't know you was so protective over him" Leon stuttered taking a step back. I turn to look at taka who was hiding behind a tree peaking his head out. I laughed at this, i found it so adorable. "Hey no need to be afraid Taka" i reassured while walking up to him only for him to quickly come out of hiding and practically jump onto me. "You must have gotten close with him" Chihiro exclaimed, Taka buried his head into my chest while tighten his grip on me. "Hey what's wrong?" i asked quite concerned he looked up at me with tears in his eyes "I-I was j-just scared.." he muttered. "Aw there's no need ta be scared i promise i won't let anyone hurt you if someone even tries to lay a finger on ya I'll fucking kill em" i smiled down at him, returning the hug and wrapped my arms around him. "So is he gonna stay with us we can't really afford letting him go back to the palace" Leon stated while rubbing his chin. I looked down at Taka, I don't wanna force him into doing anything "Taka.. do you wanna stay with us.?" I asked releasing myself from his grip and looking him dead in the eyes. "I-I um" he paused looking away, he took a deep breathe before starting to talk again "My Kingdom won't need such a coward as their future leader and besides i didn't like my life back at the palace.." "I-Is that a yes then..?" he looked up at me with a honest smile "I would love to go with you and your companions" I was relived i was so happy he was staying with me i hugged him so tight that i could've suffocated if i didn't release him any sooner. 

"Alright let's head back to base the rest of the gang was worried sick ya know!" Chihiro exclaimed. I nodded and held onto Taka's wrist and dragged him along with us. "I'm glad you decided to stay with us" I said turning around to see Taka with a massive grin planted on his face "I'm happy i stayed with you too Mondo!" He replied, i blushed slightly at his comment and turned away. 

I began to wonder.. What if.. What if I'm i in love with this man..?


I'm so grateful for all the support seriously it means a lot

I'm going to try my best to update as much as i can

feel free to leave request for the next chapter :)

I love you guys so much!!

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