Chapter 10: It's better this way..

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Kiyotaka's pov:

We both finished our food and headed some place else, In all honestly i had absolutely no idea where we were going but i didn't care i knew if i was with Mondo I'd be safe.

Mondo lead me to his room, I looked over to the already made bed to see there was some kind of suit laying there , It looked really similar to what i was wearing right now but it was clean and neatly packaged. "I- er..." Mondo stuttered, I turned to face him giving him a 'what's wrong?' kind of look, "I um.. I got ya some new clothes.." He said rubbing the back of his neck turning his head away slightly, I let out a small gasp, He did that for me..? "Sorry if you don't like it... It was the bes-" I cut him off while embracing him with a tight hug "Mondo i love it.." I said slowly raising my head to look up at him, i could feel small tears of happiness roll down my face, "Heh.. Wait what!?... y-you like it..?" He slightly yelled with a surprised expression soon fading out into a sigh of relief. I ran over to the bed and held the white suit, I looked over to Mondo with a proud smile on my face, "Mondo this is perfect! Its just like my royal uniform!" Mondo walked over to me and fell flat on his bed, "Ah thank God you like it" He chuckled "You should probably try it on" I nodded and began to take my jacket off to reveal my mostly black collared shirt, But i suddenly stop myself turning my attention to the other male in the room, "I- umm Mondo.." I asked timidly. He turned his head so he was facing me "hmm?" He hummed not really noticing i had taken my jacket off, "um.. c-could you leave for a moment.. I-I'm changing.." I saw Mondo's eyes widen and his face went a bright shade of red, "I- Uh yeah..!! er s-sure I'll just be l-leaving..!!" He practically yelled as he stumbled off the bed, running out of the room, I waited a few seconds before going back to changing.

I looked at myself in a tall mirror admiring the suit Mondo had bought me, I normally wouldn't be so self obsessed in all honestly i don't really like my body much but somehow this suit makes me feel beautiful. I walked out the room to be met with a clearly nervous Mondo pacing back and forth, he stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed me, he just starred at me. I felt my face heat up slightly, "Woah.. you look.. really handsome.." Mondo commented, I blushed at the compliment "AHH- Um i mean u-um not in t-that way I-I um..." Mondo was bright red and started rambling on i didn't really know what about and i didn't care all i was thinking about in that moment was how he called me handsome..

WARNING: Intense sadness ;(

Suddenly, I saw a familiar face, It was Leon he seemed worried, Once he reached us he rested his hands on his knees while panting like a dog on a hot summers day. "Gaurds... Forest..." Nothing he said was making sense, i placed a hand on his back in an attempt to calm him down, "Leon, tell us what's wrong!?" I demanded with a concerned look. Once he calmed down he began to carrying on what he was saying earlier "There's Guards.. Not far from here..." My reassuring smile dropped.. Guards..? That can only mean one thing.. "T-Taka.. did you s-set us up..?" I was shocked to hear Leon try and accuse me for this. "W-What of course not, I would never put people i care about in danger..!" I yelled at the Redhead "L-Leon how could you say that, Taka would never betray us.. right?" Mondo looked up at me with a serious yet worried look. I was going to say something but couldn't find the word... Mondo's suspecting me... "I can't say for sure but.. He is the only one here that can send news to the palace.." Leon exclaimed, I started tearing up.. They really did think i did this didn't they... "T-Taka did you do this..!" Mondo yelled giving me a deadly stare it was enough to intimidated me, i was choking on my sobs I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't find any words. "WELL!?" Mondo said taking a step closer to me with his hands curled up into a fist, ..he would never hurt me right.. "N-No I Wou-" I was cut off by a fist colliding with my face making me fall to the ground, I starred up at the Man towering above me.. It was Mondo.. He hit me... I held my now bruised cheek and began to cry even more. I could see Mondo's angered face dissipate into a worried and concerned look, "T-Taka..." He stuttered crouching down to my level, he moved his hand closer to me, I was scared of what he might do so i scooted away closing my eyes tightly, "Taka.. I'm so so-" I cut him off now filled with rage and fear "YOU HIT ME!!" I yelled while returning to my feet, I paused to look at Mondo still on the ground looking up at me with a shocked but guilty look. 

"I'll just go... I think its better for us both..." I said while turning away to exit the base... I paused and looked back at Mondo who was in tears "This way no one will get hurt because of me.. just remember.." I paused... considering if i should tell him, what did it matter... nothing matters anymore..

"i love you..."

I didn't dare look back I just sprinted away, I could feel the tears stinging the corners of my eyes as I made my way through the forest to find the guards looking for me.. It's better this way... This way Mondo is safe from harm...


I'm so sorry for the sad chapter 

I promise the next chapter or the one after will end well trust me

feel free to give me ideas for the next chapter I'd love to hear them!

Remember I love you guys sooo much

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