Don't Listen to Them, Love. (Liam)

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-Liam Imagine-


It was a fine Saturday afternoon, and you decided to go on Twitter. You always get hate on there, ever since you have started dating Liam Payne, from One Direction. People just absolutely hate you. That's when you started feeling insecure all the time. Liam has suspected that people send lots of hate to you, but you deny it every time. You once lied to him that everyone LOVES you. He just chuckled and said that everyone loves you.

But the hate has been getting WORSE lately, for some reason. You tried to fight back the tears each time, succeeding. But today, you don't know. It just got to you so much. It bothered you. Why do they hate you?

Once you have logged onto Twitter, you immediately went to your "Connect" thing, where they show you your notifications. It's always blowing up with those things.

When you got there, you can see the first one say, "Slut, whore, hoe. I absolutely HATE you, ugh."

You started to tear up, not trying to hold back the tears anymore. The second one read, "Bitch. You don't deserve Liam. I deserve Liam. Slut... Ugh." You started to cry more. The third one was, "Agh, go die already! Why are you still alive??! Can't you see we hate you?? F*ck you."

You logged off of Twitter, and started bawling your eyes out. Why do they hate you so much? Why? What have you ever done to them to make them hate you so much? You did once planned on suiciding, but you thought that it was best to live.

A few seconds later, Liam knocked on your bedroom door, and went in. You turned around, and he saw that you were obviously crying. You tried denying, but it didn't work with Daddy Direction.

"Love, what's wrong?", Liam asked concerned. You can tell that he was like, REALLY concerned.

"Your fans. They hate me! What have I ever done to them? They told me to go kill myself, they said I didn't deserve you, they called me a bitch, slut, whore, and hoe. They said 'f*ck you' to me. And lots of other stuff. They make me feel so insecure...", by that time, you were literally crying so hard, you were kind of like a hungry baby.

"Babe, all that stuff is NOT true. You are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. You don't need to go kill yourself, because you are perfect. You deserve me, and I deserve you. You aren't a slut, whore, hoe, or bitch. You don't deserve to see people say 'f*ck you' to you. And you shouldn't feel insecure because of them. They don't know anything about you... I will later tweet to my fans to STOP hating on you... Baby, I'm sorry I didn't know about this, if I did, I would've put a stop to it. And next time, you don't have to lie to me, just tell me when people are putting hate on you, alright?", he said.

You nodded, and smiled slightly. He was absolutely the best boyfriend you could ever ask for.

"Thanks, Liam.", you said and hugged him. He hugged you back and said, "Don't listen to them, love."


Writing this was emotional :')

Remember girls, you guys are ALLLLL beautiful. Don't listen to others. ♥

Sorry if I made any mistakes, I'm too lazy to proofread it lol.

If you want a personal, just inbox me! x3

-Tina xx ♥♥♥

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