I Want You, Only. No, really. ONLY. ♥ (Zayn)

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Hey, random one. Ask me if you want a personal one :D x

-Zayn Imagine-

"Zayn!!", you yelled, angrily.

Zayn looked over. You were at the groceries, and when you came home, you see Zayn making out with

another gir! "ZAYN, HOW CAN YOU DO THIS? HOW? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!", you yelled, and

ran out of the door. You were about 3 blocks away from you guys' flat. You then stopped running to catch

your breath. You were crying so much. It then started raining. Oh great... Can this day get ANY worse?

You kept on walking, trying not to think about Zayn, but failed to. How can he do this to you? You trusted him.

He even said you can trust him! But, no. You certainly can't trust him. But, what if he asked you for 

another chance? What if he didn't mean it? BUT, what if he did mean it? What if he didn't want you

anymore?.. Questions ran through your head. You loved Zayn with all your heart. And, Zayn. Does HE 

love YOU with all HIS heart? You're really not sure. You just want to drown in the water right now.

You hoped that Zayn didn't catch up with you... So to prevent that from happening, you began to

run. Just, run. You didn't know where you were running to, but you just kept on running. There's

no turning back at a moment like this. You ran for about 5-10 minutes. Your lungs were burning.

You needed to breathe. So you finally stopped. Coincidentally, you have eventually ended up running

to the park where you and Zayn first met. -FLASHBACK- It was on your birthday, two years ago.

You were 16, and nobody threw a birthday party or anything for you. Your parents were always busy on

business trips, and all your friends were busy or went to vacation. You were sitting there, alone that

day. You felt quite lonely, and needed someone to cuddle up with. Suddenly, you saw a male figure,

walking towards you. "What's wrong, babe?", he asked with a concerned look on his face. So, you

told him. From that day on, you two were more than friends. Now, you two for boyfriend and girlfriend.

You thought about that. You didn't think so.. After what he did? No.. If he did ask for a 2nd chance,

what would you do..? It was still raining, and you were cold. Just then, out of nowhere, and 

unexpectantly, someone hugged you, making you so warm. You turned around to see Zayn.

He was dripping with water, probably caused by running in the rain. You quickly jumped up, and started 

walking away. "Y/N! WAIT, I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!", Zayn yelled to you. You were about to turn 

around, but immediately hesitated. What were you going to do? You finally decided... You were

going to take the risk of letting Zayn talk to you. Does he have an explanation? You didn't know... 

"Y/N! I-I'm, really sorry. I didn't mean to do that!", Zayn said without any hesitation. "How did you not

mean to? I mean, she was in there with you, you two kissed. That is doing it on purpose. If you didn't

want me anymore, you could've just told me. You didn't have to go rub it in my face and hurt me like 

that! Do you know how heart breaking it was to watch you kiss that girl? I was really hurt, Zayn.

If you would've just told me, it would've felt like a knife stabbed into my back, but in this case...

It felt like I was stabbed in the heart with a million swords...", you said. Now streams of tears were rolling

down your face. Zayn was also crying... It's also heart breaking to see him like this, but it was his mistake.

"Y/N... I know I made a mistake. But that would've probably been the worst mistake I've ever made in my 

life. I mean, I guess I just got caught up with her.. She was an old friend. I did have a crush on her

back then, but, Y/N, I had a MUCh bigger crush on you on the day I first saw you. ..", he said. His words

sounded real, his words sounded sincere... But you're not that satisfied yet.. So you ask him the ultimate

question... "Well, then, Zayn. D-Do you l-love me??", you asked, stumbling on some of the words.

"Y/N, of course I do. I knew you were the right one for me when I first looked you in the eyes that day..",

he said very sincerely.. You couldn't resist... You kissed him, and he happily kissed back...

You two finally let go. Then, he said these words that melted your heart...

"I Want You, Only. No, really. ONLY. ♥"...



Awww,  now THAT is True Love :')

Hope you liked it! Ask me for personal ones, if you want one c: xx ♥

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