Sometimes I wonder, do you love me anymore? (Louis)

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using the name emily in this one bc why not 


{In this one, I'm going to use the name Emily}

It has been a while since me and Louis has been out. I have asked him a few times before if he'd like to go to dinner, but he says that he's busy, or he doesn't want to. Whenever I talk to him, he seems to get annoyed, and ignores me. I don't get it. Did I do something wrong? I'm afraid to ask him, since he would probably be annoyed by me. Lately, he also has been on his phone texting a lot. He's been texting like literally 24/7. I wonder who he's texting? I'm also afraid to ask him that. Should I check his phone? No? Yes? I'll think about it. I'm really depressed. What if Louis hates me for something I did? But what have I done?

It is now 3:00 PM, and Louis has just come home from an interview. As it has been for the past few weeks, he walked in, looking down at his phone, he seems to be reading texts and sending texts. I have decided earlier that I would cook him a little lunch/dinner. "Hi, Louis. I made you some food!", I said when he got in. He kind of frowned, but then had on a forceful smile, and said, "Thank you, Emily. I'll eat it later!". He then walked to the sofa and sat there, continuing on his phone. What was up with him? I don't get it!!! Maybe, he's cheating on me! Wait, no, no, no. He once told me that he would love me, forever and ever. He said we were infinite. When he goes to bed, I'm going to... Look at his phone. I don't want him to be mad at me... But, yeah. It is a big risk. What if he gets mad at me, and breaks up with me? No, I love him to death!!!

It is now about 12:30 in the morning, and Louis is asleep. I might as well now... Take his phone. I couldn't help but have the feeling that he's cheating on me... I took his phone, and went out to the living room. I went to his text messages immediately. I found that he was talking to someone named Elena. Elena? He's never told me anything about someone named Elena before! I kept scrolling, looking through their conversations. Who is this? Why is he talking to her? And he's meeting up with her tomorrow afternoon! Oh my gosh, he IS cheating on me!

"Emily! What are you doing on my phone??!", I heard Louis yell. I was frightened. I didn't expect him to be up, and find me on his phone at this time! "L-Louis. I-.", I was cut off by Louis grabbing his phone out of my hands. "You WHAT? You can't just go look at my phone! What were you doing on my phone??!", he asked furiously. "I-I... Well, you haven't been talking to me much, and you've refused to go out somewhere. I was being suspicious! And, now I know the truth, Louis! Why? Why are you cheating on me? If you weren't going to stay true and honest to me, then just tell me! You don't have to go and cheat on me!", I yelled, furious too. His face was painted with guilt, but then he got ferocious, again. "WELL, I, umm...", Louis was stumbling for words, but now he's a little more calm. Again, guilt filled his face. "What? You know. Sometimes I wonder, do you love me anymore? I don't even know, Louis. If you don't, Louis, then just tell me!", I once again yelled. "I-I, I don't know Emily. I think I'm wrong. I should've never talked to Elena. I should've never called her. I should've never tell her to meet up with me tomorrow. This is so wrong. I am sorry, Emily.", Louis explained.

Is he being honest? Is this all true, what he's saying? "Louis, I am not yet satisfied. What if you aren't being honest? What if you're going to continue this? I don't know, Lou.", I said. "I am honest, I don't even know why I even started talking to Elena!", Louis said. There was a few moments of silence, when suddenly, he crashed his lips onto mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist. After what seems like forever, he finally lets go. "L-Lou. What was that for?", I asked, confused. "That was to show that I still love you, and that I always will. I am sorry, Emily. Please, accept my apology. I have screwed, big time. But that will no longer happen. Emily, I am so very sorry.", Louis said in one breath. I was still wrapped in his arms. "Are you sure, Lou? Can I trust you?", I asked him, unsure. "Yes, I'm sure."

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