Unknown Number

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I look around at the city. New York really is beautiful...well if you squint. It may not be the cleanest, but it's home. "Someone help me!" I hear a lady shout interrupting my inner monologue . "I'm coming I'm coming" I sigh. Oh...right about now you might be wondering who I am. My Name's Peter Parker. I'm 17 years old. I'm your average kid from Queens. I go to Midtown High I get good grades. I'm on the Academic Decathlon team. I had a best friend named Ned. I'm still friends with my Ex MJ. Oh yeah I almost forgot...I'm also the crime fighting vigilante known as Spiderman.

I leap off the building and swing to where I heard the woman. I crawl along the side of the wall and see a woman with a gun aimed at her. "You know it's rude to point." I say as I web the gun and toss it away from the man holding it.
"What the-!" He yells and doesn't get to continue before I web him up and stick him to the wall.
"Here you go Ma'am" I smile as I hand her back her purse even though she can't see me through the mask.
"T-Thank you Spiderman." She holds onto it tightly.

"Call the police and Be careful walking alone at night. You never know what kind of creep might be hiding." I say and swing away.

After a few more hours of stopping petty crimes I sit on the ledge of a building. There's some rustling and I sigh and turn around.

"Hey Wade" I say smiling and I cross my arms. I met him a few years ago and we're sorta friends now.

He gasps dramatically. "Spidey how could you! I was being so sneaky."

I sit back down. "If you call walking around with your Katanas and guns constantly clanking together sneaky, then yeah. You're the sneakiest" I say sarcastically

He clamps a hand to his chest. "Baby Boy you wound me. I'll have you know that I am a very famous gun for hire! Everyone wants some of me!"

"And how that is so confuses me everyday."  I rest my cheek on my hand.
He comes up and leans against the wall.

"So-" he starts and is cut off by me standing up.

"Wade...were you followed here?" I ask looking around. "Huh no why?" He looks around. I purse my lips. "My sense just went off"
"Hello! Scary people hiding! Where are you? You're interrupting my Spidey time and that's not cool!" Wade yells swinging his Katanas around. They wait for a few minutes.

I slowly sit back down. "False alarm I guess." I look up at him. "Hey um Wade I think I'm going to call it a night it's getting late."

"Noooooo!" He whines and slumps over onto me. "I don't wanna go home!"
"I never did you had to I'm just saying I'm tired and I'm going home"

"Oooooooh can I go home with you?" He asks in a seductive voice and wiggles his eyebrows. "No" I say firmly.
"Go home Deadpool"

He pouts "you're so mean"
I stand up and adjust my web shooters "Goodnight Wade"

"See you later alligator!" He winks and jumps off the building and there's  a crash.
I laugh a bit and swing back home. I climb through the window and lock the door. I throw the mask to the floor and manage to squeeze out of the spandex. "Ugh" I grunt and toss it to the floor.
I pull on a shirt and lay down getting ready for bed. I close my eyes and was ready to let sleep take me, but then my fucking phone rang.
It was from an unknown number. "Hello?" I ask and sit up in bed crossing my legs.
"Hello Spiderman"

A/N: omg I know it was horrible but it feels so good to be writing stuff again. I'm really stressed out because of school so this is like my only escape. Suggestions are welcome in the comments😊💕

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