Missed Call

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Meanwhile Peter was just getting back to Queens. He decided to stay out for a while before heading home.

Later he spots a man wearing a red and black leather suit, so he decides to follow them. Peter swings over just in time to see him decapitate a man.
"Oh come on Wade gross!" He looks away from the scene. "Did you have to do that in front of me?" He complains deciding that the pavement looked particularly interesting today.

Deadpool gasps "Spidey don't look!" He kicks the man's body behind a dumpster and puts his Katanas away.
He scrambles over and wraps his arms around Peter's waist. "Spidey oh holy Spidey please forgive me I didn't mean to unalive him!"

"You better clean that up." He gestures to all of the blood and his body. Then he suddenly smacks Deadpool upside the head. "And no killing! I told you I don't like seeing that shit." He crosses his arms.

"Baby Boy you know it's my job and besides the guy was a child predator anyway. It's not like I killed an actual person!"

Peter sighs "just clean it up. No! Not not now you know I don't do dead bodies!" He covers his mouth as Deadpool dropped the body.

"Right of course" Deadpool says and looks off to the side. "I'm trying to be on good terms with him so we can..." he makes a vulgar gesture.

"Deadpool what are you doing?" Peter sighs

"Oh it's nothing Spiderbabe" he looks back away. "I'm going to fuck him so hard"

"No you're not Wade." He crosses his arms.

"Sorry, gotta go Spidey is waiting for me to fuck him." He whispers

"No I'm not!" He calls out.

"He so is" Wade whispers and walks back over to him.

"So, patrolling tonight?" He asks

"Yup, what else?" Peter replies

"Oh well maybe you could let me show you how skilled I am with r-" Deadpool starts

"That was rhetorical" Peter cuts him off "come on let's go" he jerks his head and starts running and hops gracefully to the next building.

Wade follows him as best as he could and later that night he comes up and sits next to Peter.
"How the hell do you do this? I'm out of breath. It's like I've been sucking dick all night."

Peter shrugs "just got used to it I guess. I mean it's been like 4 years now"

"Ugh, playing the hero role for 4 years? That sounds like torture I'd rather get fucked by Wolverine." Wade complains loudly leaning on his shoulder.

"That bad?" He laughs "it's not that bad really. I like helping people. No matter how trivial the task is." He looks out on the city. "The big heros like the avengers are great and all...but they really don't do much for the little guys."

Wade sits up and looks at him.

"Sure they save the world and all...but I want to save people's world. All of these thing may seem stupid, but to people like us...they mean the world. Being saved from these things, petty theft, rape, a car jacking gone wrong" his voice shook a little. "For some of us these things can change your life. I-I want to make sure no one has to feel the pain from it. Even if it brings down crime just a little bit. Even if it just inspires a single person to feel just a little bit safer walking home alone at night. In any way I want to help. I can do these incredible things. And if you can do the things that I can do, and you don't, then bad thing happen, they happen because of you and you only. It's my fault if someone doesn't make it home to their family. It's my fault if someone's childhood or life is ruined because of some creep. And well, I can't live with that. I just can't... something bad already happened because I was a petty kid. I refuse to let that happen agai-"

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