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         Once Aaron had finally arrived home, he noticed his step-dads car was in the driveway, Ben was a hardworking man and would always come home around 8pm. Once Aaron saw this he quickly went inside so he can see him, but it was silent. The whole house was cold and quiet. Usually when Aaron would come home the whole house would be filled with music dancing in the air through the house, his mother would be cooking a after school snack for Aaron and dinner, and it would be warm with candles and the fire place on.

          So he decided to go look upstairs for his parents, whilst doing so he passed by his mothers art room, his mother liked painting and making angel sculptures. Aaron hated them. He felt as though the angels were silently mad at him for sinning, this causing him to be disgusted with himself. When he went to go continue looking he saw something strange.

  A red ballon.

      At first, he thought that he was imagining stuff, and.maybe this was a dream. When he opened his eyes, after closing them thinking he can wake up, the ballon was still there. He noticed that the ballon was i front of one of the angels. Aaron finally decided he was going to pop it so he would stop being paranoid. But when he went in front of the angel the ballon popped, and the once peaceful but yet haunting face of the angel was replaced with a bloody horrific clown.

       It all went fast, if one was too blink they would miss it. The clowns hands were choking Aaron while IT was laughing. "HELP! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE!" Aaron screamed for his parents, or for anyone in this matter. But no one answered. "Awe, No one is going to help the little fairy",IT said manically.

     Next thing Aaron knew there was blood splattering everywhere, and Aaron started screaming again but this time crying as well. All of the sudden the door to the art room opened revealing Ben and Jessie Miller. "oh my god! honey are you alright we heard you screaming!" His mother, Jessie, said with a worried look plastered on her face. Aaron looked around the room and then at himself realizing there is no more blood. He looked at his mother while she was checking him for injuries. Aaron was scared and confused.


           Aaron had finally arrived at the barrens, being only 5 minutes late

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           Aaron had finally arrived at the barrens, being only 5 minutes late. "Hey sorry that i'm late uh- som- something happens" Aaron said once he parked his bike. Bill picked his head up looked at Aaron from where he was inside the sewer, "Oh, h-hey R-R-Red!"

            "Heyo Billy" Aaron said, going into the sewer to help Bill look. "Aren't you guys coming in?" Aaron heard Richie say from behind him,"Nu-uh, it's grey water." Aaron's head shot up and his eyes went wide," Wait is it really!" he quickly ran out of the sewer and stood next to Eddie.

  "What the hell is gray water?"

  "It's basically piss and shit, so i'm just warning you, you guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee."

       Aaron blocked out Richie And Eddies bickering and started to think again about what happened not that long ago. When he looked up at Bill, and then went back into the water to look at what he had in his hand. "What is that?" Aaron said reaching for the shoe, his and bills hand slightly touching. They looked at each other with blush coating their faces, thankful that it is dark. "GUYS!" Bill yelled once he was out of his trance.

   "Holy shit. Don't tell me thats-"

   "No G-G-G-Georgie w-wore glo-gloshes"

      Aaron thought if maybe that clown had to do with all of the missing kids, but thought again maybe what he saw was just his imagination. Aarons thoughts of debating himself were cut off by a loud splash coming from the river. Aaron and Bill looked at each other with curiosity and then ran out to see what it was.

      "HOLY SHIT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Richie yelled out when they saw i front of them a boy, all went from running in the water and a bloody shirt. Aaron looked at the boy closely to try and see if it was someone he knew, and it was.

Ben Hanscom.


𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒, bill denbroughWhere stories live. Discover now