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___On their way to the pharmacy to help Ben, Eddie was ranting through out the entire time. Aaron didn't know what he was saying because he had zoned out when Eddie started talking about cancer—or at least he thought he was.

"Ah, we're screwed", Aaron heard Bill say once he got out of his own little world."Richie stay here, come on" Bill quickly said, him, Stan, Eddie, and Aaron running into the pharmacy to get supplies, to help Ben.

Once they got inside Eddie started grabbing stuff quickly while Aaron was looking at him weird, this kid has a cut not a slit throat, he thought. "Okay." Stan said while looking at the money, "Can we afford all that?" Bill said.

"No—shit ,we are fucked, oh my fucking g-" Aaron was cut off by Bills hand over his mouth telling him to not yell. He licked Bills hand, "e-ew g-g-gross Red" Bill said, wiping his hand on his pants. "Wait, you have an account here, don't you?" Bill asked Eddie, they all looked at him.

"If my mom finds out i bought all this stuff for myself....i'm spending the whole rest of the weekend in the emergency room getting X-rayed." To some people they would think he was over exaggerating, but Aaron knew that it was true cause Eddie mom is crazy- no not crazy, insane.

Aaron went to go look at the comic section while the others were figuring out the problem- well, trying to.

Beverly stood in front of the pads confused and, well confused. "Hey need any help?" she heard a voice from behind her. She quickly turned around with embarrassment, when she saw who it was she was relieved. "oh my god, Aaron you gave me a heart attack, but yes i do need help" she said with her hand on her heart. She knew Aaron could help her since he would go shopping for his mom when ever it was that time.

When he picked the best ones for her, they went to go pay only to see that Greta was coming out one of the aisles. They went into a different one and Aaron realized they wen go to the one with Bill, Eddie, and Stan. Aaron went over to stand next to Bill while the rest were staring at beverly. "Y-You okay?" bill asked staring at her, feeling Aarons shoulder brushing against his arm, making him blush.

"I'm fine. What's wrong with you?" She asked looking at the blush on Bills face.

"none of your business." Stanley stammered ouy quickly

Aaron looked at them as if they were idiots, well...they are, he looked up at beverly, "there is a kid outside. he is hurt badly but we dont have enough money to help him."
beverly looked at the counter behind them and then back at the group of boys, "dont worry i got a plan" she said smirking.
she went up to the clerk and started flirting with him, she then looked at the boys signaling for them to run out. except while doing so eddie and bill bumped into some of the products on the shelf behind them.

 except while doing so eddie and bill bumped into some of the products on the shelf behind them

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The boys were back outside in the alleyway with ben trying to stop the bleeding.
"just suck the wound!" richie exclaimed.

"i need to focus."

"you need to focus?"

"yeah, can you go get me something?" eddie said looking at aaron while bandging ben.

"like fucking what?! do i look like a doctor?" aaron yelled at eddie.

"go get my bifocals. i hid 'em in my second fanny pack." eddie remarked. "who the fuck has a second fanny pack....or any fanny pack?" aaron whispered the last part to himself, while looking for the bifocals.

while giving eddie them he sees bill and beverly taking at the end of the alley.

do they like eachother?
i mean he is blushing...
maybe its just the sun?
they are smiling.
of course he would like her.

while having all of these thoughts he didnt notice that beverly and bill had already walked back and was having a conversation with ben.
all he heard was bill inviting her to join them at the quarry which richie must be excited about cause it will be the closest thing he will see of a naked woman.

after aaron hears about all of this bill kissing beverly shit he decided to go to the diner and just tell the rest of the losers he will meet them at the quarry tomorrow.

obviously he isnt going home after what happened, in fear that he will see those yellow eyes staring right back at him.

obviously he isnt going home after what happened, in fear that he will see those yellow eyes staring right back at him

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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