1st Hunger Games - Part 2

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   Jason didn't want to leave his campfire behind to investigate. 

   "The girl from Texas, Ayesha Cruz," Marcus said, "Did you know her?" 

   "Nope," Jason said, "And I didn't care enough to meet her either."

   "That's a bit harsh," Marcus said, "She's dead now, and she had a family that loved her. She was valedictorian at Clark High School."

   "I don't know what those words mean," Jason said, "I'll take first watch, okay? Try to get some sleep."

   "Everyone alive?" Jason asked as he stirred awake. It was morning, and Jason was mad that he overslept. He intended on getting up at the crack of dawn to scout out other camps. Anyone else is already awake and on the prowl. 

   "Yeah," Sophia said, and Isabel woke up screaming and crying for her mom. 

   "It's alright, it's alright, it's alright," Marcus said to her.

   "We've got to get moving," Jason said, "We're missing supplies. Somebody stole from us last night, there's footprints, it could be lots of people and they could be nearby."
   "No," Marcus said, "It's one person, see? The footprints are all the same... And I think I know who it might be,"

   "Who?" Jason asked.

   "Hazel, she's very fast and likely working alone, plus the footprint matches someone with smaller feet, and of the remaining tributes, only her or Tiffany have feet that small and from what I've heard Tiffany will try to form an alliance with Jaden. They're both alive so it's Hazel or Tiffany and Jaden have had a fallout." 

   "Either way I don't want to take any chances," Jason replied, "We have to find more water, we have none." 

   "I have to pee first," Marcus said. 

   "Do it behind that tree then," Jason replied.

   "I can't," Marcus said.

   "Why not?" Jason asked.

   "Uh..... because," Marcus fumbled for words, "There's kids and I just don't feel comfortable doing that."

   "Then let's keep going, you'd be out of their sight anyways, we really shouldn't split up," Jason replied starkly and finished packing up their remaining stuff. They had two backpacks, but now both were gone, "What the frickin' frick?!"

   Jason shook his head and swore to himself. It was dark out so anything lying around probably wasn't seen. Jason picked up two matches and a sword. All he had in his pockets was one Band-Aid.

   Marcus picked up a knife and put in in his pocket. He grabbed his hatchet and swung it over his shoulder. 

   "Actually, let's switch," Jason said, "We need to collect firewood." Jason handed Marcus the sword and got the axe back.  

   Jason ran from the cornucopia, or the equivalent of it, and bumped into Marcus. He got up and lifted his sword to impale him. 

   "Please don't!" Marcus begged. He heard crying. He turned to the right where it came from and a ten-year old girl was standing crying. 

   "Follow me, both of you," Jason said. 

   "This is where we first bumped into each other," Jason began as they reached the outskirts of the sparsely wooded area, "And now we're back." 

   Dark, black clouds were rumbling in from the south. 

   "Snowstorm," Marcus warned, "A blizzard,"

   "Then we need to move fast to get dry firewood," Jason said. 


   "Someone just fricking died," Jason said.

   "I heard too," Marcus said, "But Jason... I'm worried, we both should be worried, quite frankly," 


   "Quite frankly, the blizzard would put out our fire,"

   "Underneath the pavillion is where we'll start our fire then," Jason began, "It'll be dry. We have to move fast though the temperature is dropping rapidly."

   "I'm freezing!" Isabel whined.

   "So am I," Sophia complained as well, "It's very cold and I haven't eaten anything,"

   "Maybe there's some more food up there at the cornucopia," Jason said.

   "Are you insane?" Marcus asked, "Everyone will see us."

   "It's a risk we'll have to take," Jason said, "If there are archers we might be at risk, but if we sit close to the kids maybe they'll not want to shoot at us," 

   "There might, in fact, be some good archers left," Marcus said, "I don't know who that last cannon was for."



   We have to move fast. Jason thought. 

   "Okay let's collect the wood now," Jason said and Marcus nodded. Jason began chopping branches off the medium-sized oak tree and putting them into the backpacks. Marcus scavenged for smaller sticks and leaves. 

   "Mutilate that shrubbery," Marcus said. 

   Jason thought about strawberries when Marcus said that. I wish we had some strawberries. Jason thought. 

   Just what is a snowstorm? A snowstorm is defined as "the rate of change of velocity per unit of time", supposing that you had googled the definition of acceleration rather than the definition of snowstorm. Jason was in a snowstorm figuratively. The metaphorical snowstorm was evidenced in several ways: Jaclson couldn't clearly see his own fingers when it came to what his next modes of action should be. Jason's soul felt cold killing and thinking about killing and death. He realizes that either he's about to die or the three around him. 

   He will also literally be in a snowstorm soon.

   Jason spits, he has a secret. 

   "Okay, we have enough," Jason said, "There might be wolves lurking in these woods for prey, and exposing ourselves is not the best idea." 

   "Tell Sia exposing herself is not the best idea," Marcus said.
   "What's your plan?" Marcus quickly asked.

   "These two," Jason pointed to Isabel and Sophia, "Will take our wood to the middle."

   "Heck no, that's dangerous," 

   "I'll do it," Isabel said.

   "Me too," Sophia said, "It's getting cold and we need to start the fire."

   "See? They're on board," Jason said, "They're not threats on their own, nobody will chase them, plus we can run more lightly if we don't have to carry that heavy wood."

   "Okay," Marcus said, "But I have a bad feeling about this."


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