1st Hunger Games - Part 4

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   Jason had one eye on Jaden, he wasn't sure if Jaden knew he could see him or not. Jaden had started a fire, but Jason knew that the snow would put it out. The wind is howling as the storm swirls towards the middle of the arena. Jason's other eye was keenly set on the sticks, although he wasn't cross-eyed, so naturally he only could focus two eyes on Jaden and then two eyes on the sticks as he rubbed them together to try to start a fire, like he'd been taught. He was all out of matches. No luck.

   "This is hard," Jason said. 

   "Jason Rushmann has said what we believe to be the words "This is hard", that's what she said, as he has trouble starting his fire," Tony Romo said from the broadcast booth, "That could be deadly for the three of them and mean the end of the Hunger Games if he fails to get that fire going, but look, he is looking for supplies in one backup left on the ground."

   Jason found a backpack a bit away from the pavilion and he brought it back. 

   "Landmine, two matches, half a loaf of bread," Jason said as he took those items out. The two girls quickly ate the loaf of bread. Jason was okay with that, he was hungry but he planned on ending Jaden quickly. 

   Jason laid the sticks out on the pavilion and struck the matches against the wood, starting a small flame. He reached over it with his hands to shield it from the wind. He placed it onto a stick, setting it on fire. He then shielded the fire from the wind to protect it. 

   Sophia and Isabel were watching Jaden's every move. He seemed content staying at his fire, which had caught onto a nearby tree and began spreading. 

   Jason smiled as the fire caught fully and they had a campfire, "Get around the fire," Jason said. The two quickly got around the fire and began warming themselves up. They were happy to warm themselves up. 

   "Where is Marcus?" Sophia finally asked. 

   "Marcus was sadly killed," Jason lied, "He gave up his life to save me." 

   "What's going to happen if we're the last ones left?" Sophia asked. 

   "Don't worry about that," Jason said, "We need water, and Jaden has some."

   "He won't share," Isabel said.

   "He will if you ask kindly," Jason said, "Sophia, you're so cute he'll just have to say yes!" 

   Jason took off Sophia's coat and put the landmine over her shirt. Jason pulled the coat over it. 

   "Just go and ask kindly," Jason said, "Go and lie down face first so he knows you aren't there to hurt him."

   "Okay," Sophia said. 

   "You ready?" 

   "Yeah," Sophia said, "I'm ready." 

   Sophia went out in the blizzard, it was beginning to snow and Jaden was trying to cover up his fire to protect it. It was almost a forest fire, but now it'd gotten to the point that it's just a small campfire, and only that for long. 

   Jason couldn't see anything, but he knew Sophia must have either gotten hit or flopped herself facedown like instructed because he heard an explosion and then two booms of a canon. 

   "Sophia!" Isabel cried, "What happened?" She asked to Jason who lifted his sword and impaled her directly in the heart.


   A helicopter flew down overhead and picked Jason up. 

   "Jason Rushmann from Texas is the winner of the first ever Central United States Hunger Games!" Jason heard a voice say from the radio in the helicopter. 

   "Congrats, kid," The helicopter pilot said. 

   "Thanks," Jason said, "and don't call me kid!"


   From Lilly K's POV: 

   Jason threw another stick into the slowly catching fire. 

   "It's very cold outside, it's fourteen degrees and will get below zero Fahrenheit before the waning hours of the night," Tony Romo began, "Marisol, Jason, Isabel, and Sophia have a fire. Jaden, Hudson, and Tiffany have a fire going and a strong alliance, let's see how they're doing." 

   "Those three have to win," Elliana said, "There's no way. He's big and strong and black,"

   "Elliana!" Piper shouted.

   "I don't care, it's true, he is black, that's a fact," Elliana said.

   "He's built kind of like DK Metcalf," Lyon said.

   "Who?" I asked. 

   "DK," Lyon started, "Never mind." 

   "Ooh!" Piper said, "Get out of there, he's coming!" 

   Ezekiel throws a knife, hitting Marisol. She screamed in pain. A knife stuck out of her waist. Ezekiel charged Jason with a sword. Jason dodged him and stepped out of the way. Marisol lay on the ground bleeding. Jason lifted his hatchet and brandished it before rushing towards Ezekiel, but Ezekiel kicked him to the ground. 

    The ground looked solid as a rock, frozen cold. Ezekiel swung at Jackson but Jason blocked the sword with his hatchet. Jason kicked and wrapped his legs around Ezekiel's and dragged him to the ground.

   With one strong swoop Jason knocked Ezekiel's sword out of his hands, and with the next decapitated him.


   Jason rushed to help Marisol. He fumbled around before going to get something from Ezekiel's pockets.

   "I totally ship them," Elliana said.

   "That's rude," Emily said.

   "If you're going to die you might as well find love before you die," Elliana said. Claire and Symone both excused themselves. I felt like vomiting.

    Then Jason did something unexpected. He stabbed Marisol in the neck.

   "What?!?!?" Roared basically everyone. Everyone either screamed, cried, or yelled at the TV. Nobody felt inspired or brave, they all felt horrible.

   He took one of the two swords, leaving one of the swords and the hatchet behind, and put the bloody knife in his pocket. He ran towards the middle, swinging his sword in the blistering cold.

   I really hate this guy

   "Jason said what we believe to be the words "This is hard", that's what she said, as he has trouble starting his fire," Tony Romo said from the broadcast booth, "That could be deadly for the three of them and mean the end of the Hunger Games if he fails to get that fire going, but look, he is looking for supplies in one backup left on the ground."

   We all sat in a daze as Jason set a fire. We all were very angry at what had happened and didn't want to root for Jason. 

   I panicked as Sophia went out in the blizzard, it was beginning to snow and Jaden was trying to cover up his fire to protect it. It was almost a forest fire, but now it'd gotten to the point that it's just a small campfire, and only that for long. The cameras switched to show Jaden stand up and watch. Sophia got close to him and Jaden grabbed her arm gently. Sophia ran to get close to the fire and plopped herself stomach-first, which set off the landmine, killing them both and two canons exploded.

   Then Jason stabbed Isabel in the heart and Piper stood up and started ripping things. She was screaming in rage and pain. Hunter had to calm her down.

   "I hate this! I hate the Hunger Games! I hate Tony Romo, I hate Joe Biden, and I hate Jason Rushmann!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. 

   "Shh," Hunter said, "Not so loud. That's considered misinformation and could send you to prison."

   "I don't care!" Piper said, "I hate Biden! I hate Biden! I hate him!" 

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