- chapter two -

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It had been a few weeks since Elizabeth, or WICKED, sent down Thomas to the hellhole he created, she still felt like it was her fault. She didn't understand what was so 'Special', as Ava put, about him or even Elizabeth herself. These were the burning questions of the past few weeks, and so far Elizabeth had not even a clue as to why. She brushed it off as she watched the Glade carefully, glancing across the room at the main camera which showed Thomas in full view ever so slightly, she watched him a lot, knowing he had no clue she was looking at him like his guardian angel. Every day, she would secretly watch him and mostly only him, she didn't care about the cure anymore, she only wanted to make sure Thomas was alive. She thought about those words daily since Thomas left, "You are special, and so is Thomas." The words sent shivers down her spine as she waited for her lunch break to begin, tired of watching the torture she put her friends through. It was no doubt that Elizabeth felt guilty, she knew about them all being sent but said nothing. She didn't warn them or anything, she was certain that they would hate her if they were able to remember her betrayal at all. She didn't even try to stop them, she played the angel everyone knew her as, including her boyfriend. Now, ex-boyfriend, he couldn't even remember her.

Elizabeth strutted down the cold, metal hallway and into her room, she went there for lunch now that she had no one to sit with. Sure, people invited her to eat with them, but with too much guilt and worry overtaking her brain, she refused. It was the same routine each day, wake up, watch her friends in the Glade, training, then sleep. She barely ate anymore but stayed in shape because of her mandatory training only SHE had to do. It confused Elizabeth as to why, but like the good little girl she is, she did it anyway. Today, her routine changed as Ava Paige, along with 3 guards with loaded launchers, entered her private room. She stood up from the couch with a confused look on her face, what was happening, she thought. She had an idea, the mandatory training, becoming familiar with the glade, and now this, they wanted her to go in the maze. They wanted Elizabeth to help them escape, she knew of her plans to help them, it was Ava's plan too. She didn't want to spoil that she knew what Ava was doing though so she stayed quiet.

"I hate to do this Liz," Ava said, actually full of guilt for once. She called her Liz, her friends, and more importantly, her boyfriend's nickname for her. "We need to study your brain activity in the Glade." It was finally happening. The moment Elizabeth knew was coming, the moment she would rejoin her friends in the Glade and no longer be alone. It wasn't paradise but at least she would be surrounded by people she loved and cared for more than anything. She didn't answer Ava, she just nodded which allowed Ava Paige to lower her defenses. She began to leave and gestured for Elizabeth to follow her. She obeyed and followed the tall woman out of the room and back down the cold hallway. They finally entered a room Elizabeth recognized as the swipe room. Elizabeth sat on the chair, she didn't care if she lost her memories, maybe then she could start over with her friends and somehow get back to the way things were, but somehow she knew it wouldn't be the normal experience. She knew this wouldn't happen, them remembering, but it relaxed her nerves as she was a bit worried about what they would do to control her. Then, without warning, it was dark.


Darkness. That's all Elizabeth saw as she heard the metal cage she was in scraping against the concrete wall around her. She knew where she was, what was going on, but when she tried to think of anyone from her past including Ava Paige and Thomas themselves, it was a blur. She only knew that WICKED was good, and she had to escape the maze. She knew what and who WICKED was but for some possible reason, she couldn't remember a single person. Elizabeth had no clue who anyone was now, WICKED didn't want her to have any 'Personal Attatchments' as she filed out her task in the maze. The mechanic buzzing of the cage stopped as she waited for a few minutes. She didn't freak out, no, she was set on one little thing. Survival. WICKED controlled her brain now, so if she doesn't do what they want her to, it would happen either way. She knew WICKED was studying her brain at this very second too, she didn't mind as the large metal doors slid open and her eyes adjusted to the sudden bright sun. Once her eyes had settled, she noticed she was surrounded by a group of boys of about 20 boys. Knowing she is the only girl, she climbed out of the box and onto the soft grass. As they all surrounded her, she rolled her eyes before standing up.

"New Greenie?" she heard a boy say, the voice was familiar, however, she had no idea who this mystery boy was.  She turned to see a rugged, semi-tall, black-haired boy, with a scar above his eyebrow. The scar looked eerily familiar to her but she couldn't remember him, as much as she tried it was just complete darkness, a void in her memory. They made eye contact for a moment before he turned away and faced a tall, skinny blonde boy. 

"Yeah, but it's a girl, which is a new thing," he said, they were surprised they got a girl, Elizabeth would be too if they were in their place. A few months in a maze with only boys, the testosterone would be horrible, she knew, she watched it happen. There would be random fights and upbringings throughout the Glade until the strong man took over in the leadership role. "Well I guess we should introduce ourselves," the boy said yet again. Everyone introduced themselves and then dispersed into the large open fields of the Glade, leaving only a few people left.

"I'm Alby, the leader here," the strong man said, he looked very serious and stern. It was like she had watched these people for months but that's all she can remember about them, just that they live here. Not their names, not why she cared for them, nothing at all.

"I'm Chuck!" a short, curly-haired boy pipped up from behind the dark-haired boy that her eyes kept wandering back to. 

"I'm Minho," a tall, built man said from behind Elizabeth, he was quite attractive with smooth black hair, and a strong body build.

"I'm Newt," the British accent of the blonde-haired boy's voice came through deeply, why was he the only British one? Finally, the only one she was waiting for spoke up, almost like he finally got the courage to speak through his dry throat. 

"I'm Thomas, nice to meet you," he said staring directly into her eyes, burning through them like he was trying to read her soul. She nodded at him with a strange warmth in her stomach from just looking at him. It was like he was her comfort. 

"I'm Elizabeth," she said still not breaking the eye contact. It was like two flames joined to create a fire, they both couldn't look away. They both didn't know what this familiar feeling was when they locked eyes, but it felt like home.


1298 words.

hehe, thanks for reading, this is a filler :) I've been making long chapters that I'm really proud of so please comment, vote, add to your libraries, and enjoy. <3


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