Ch1 || The Kiss

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"Please Miss Sonia?" The princess sighs and clenches her eyes shut. "Look Souda, I told you I'm busy on Saturday multiple times already and I'm afraid that is not going to change." "Then on Sunday?" "If I say yes, will you let me leave this cafeteria?" With this, Kazuichi's eyes light up, practically sparkling with a new-found light. "Yes! Oh my god yes!" "Great, now step aside." Kazuichi does as told and Sonia walks into the school's hallway. "11:00 at that coffee shop near the school!? Miss Sonia is that alright with you!? Okay I'll text you since you didn't look like you heard me!"

And so, the mechanic has a date.

Well it wasn't an official date but it was to him.

~~~TS to afterschool~~~

"Souda! Souda!" The mechanic turns around to see Ibuki running up to him. "Ibuki needs you to fix her speaker! Can you do that please?" "Oh sure, can I ask what the issue with it is?" "It's all quiet and muffled, it's supposed to be sharp and loud like KYAHKYAHKYAHHH! but now it's all DUHDUHDUHDUHDUHHHH!" "Okay, well I can probably have it done by this evening... I have your number from the class group chat so I'll text you once I'm done." "Thank you! Ibuki appreciates it!"

Kazuichi has a garage close to the school so he heads toward it since it's closer than his house and he could get to working on it sooner. He hasn't gotten any orders in a while so he's eager to get back to work.

As he fiddles with pieces and parts, his mind begins to wonder. Specifically, about his 'date' with Miss Sonia.

What could be the best outcome? Maybe she forgets her wallet and I only brought enough money for one coffee so we have to share a drink? That way we could have an indirect kiss! Wait... There's an even better possibility... What if I got to kiss her?

The mechanic turns bright red at the thought. He had never kissed anyone before. He wonders what it would feel like to kiss someone since he has no idea. All he knows is that if it's with Miss Sonia, it would be heavenly.

Wait... What if she hates it? I mean Kazuichi has no experience after all...

His hands move faster as he takes out a screw, trying not to panic.

At this rate, she's never going to want to go on a date with me again! Aw man... What the hell do I do!?

"I did fucking not! That movie wasn't the least bit fuckin sad!" Kazuichi looks up from the speaker he's working on to see Fuyuhiko and Peko walking down the street towards the school. The Yakuza looks red in the face as he shouts at the swords-woman who has a soft smile on her face. From what Kazuichi overheard, the two watched a sad movie and Fuyuhiko cried at it.

"Whatever you say, young master. I trust you can make it to your dorm without me? Your dad asked me to attend some business and I really do have to get to that." Peko says. "Yeah, I'll seeya around." "Yes, see you around."

The blonde keeps walking towards the school as the other walks the opposite way.

And... bingo!

"Hey shorty!" Kazuichi shouts, setting down the parts to Ibuki's speaker onto his table. Fuyuhiko jumps as he turns to face the pink-haired male who's walking up to him.

"The fuck did you just call me- Wait how much of that conversation did you hea-" Kazuichi cuts Fuyuhiko off by slinging his arm around the others shoulder and speaking himself, completely ignoring the latter's questions. "Hey we're good pals right?" He asks, beginning to walk with Fuyuhiko. "Wh- No the fuck we are not!" "Well we've had our fair share of conversations!" "What the fuck are you getting at!?" "Well, there's something I need some practice with, and you, Hajime, and Teruteru are the closest things I have to friends and you're here so can I get your help?" Fuyuhiko heaves a sigh and continues to walk.

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