Chapter Five

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A/N sorry for the wait, here is chapter five!

Y/N and Neo are eating lunch in their new home that they'll be living in for the next month.

"Neo, after lunch I'll go grocery shopping and shopping for some other things, do you want to come or stay home?" Y/N asks her daughter.

"I wanna come!" Neo says. They've been in Korea for only a day now and Neo is still super excited about it.

"oh and mommy has to go to a party tonight, you'll be alone for a few hours. Is that okay or do you want me to call someone for you?" Y/N asks.

"i'm okay being alone." Neo answers.

"are you sure?" Y/N asks, just to make sure.

"yep!" Neo answers once again.

After lunch, Y/N cleans up the kitchen, then the two go get ready to go shopping.

They picked up some groceries while Neo reads just about everything out loud. Y/N never expected her daughter to be THIS excited about coming to Korea.

After getting some groceries they go to a mall. First Y/N picks up a dress for tonights party.

After getting the dress Y/N took Neo shopping for some things for herself. She rented some movies for her to watch tonight while she is gone, and bought her a new pair of pajamas, clothes, and some toys.

By the time they got home it was already 7:00pm. The party starts at 9:00pm.

Y/N makes some dinner for Neo. After dinner she helps Neo get ready for her movie night tonight then goes upstairs and gets ready for the party.

She puts on some gear under her dress. Her first weapon is a knife strapped to her leg. She plans to see her one and only ex husband and she plans to kill him tonight.

She likes to get her missions done fast so she can spend more time with Neo without having to worry about it.

When she is done getting ready it is 8:20pm.

She rushed downstairs and reminds Neo one last time where all the weapons she can use are in case someone breaks in. She reminds her of all the rules.

She doesn't really have a bed time for Neo, she just tells her to go to bed at a reasonable time.

Then she leaves.

She arrives at the party just on time.

I forgot to mention... the party is being hosted by the one and only BTS themselves.

flashback to last night at BTS condo

The boys spent their night figuring out why they couldn't find Y/N over the years.

The reason they couldn't find her in the first place is because they never even thought to expect her to do something like joining an organization of contract killers.

They also figured out why she is back in Korea: to kill Jungkook

So, they prepare themselves. They don't know how skilled Y/N has become so they prepare for the worst.

They aren't going to kill her of course, but they will knock her out if that's what it comes down to.

They change the guest list to only people who work under them in the Mafia or know they're in the mafia, as they know something is going to go down.

end of flashback

Y/N walks into the party like a QUEEN.

Everybody looks at her in amazement.

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