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Mata's POV

I walk into the hospital room with Patri following close behind, "Mom this is Patri." 

My mom swipes her hand to tell me to move over, "Mata, baby, move over to I can actually see this girl." I moved to the side and Patri took a few steps towards the older woman lying in bed.

"It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. De Bakker," Patri stuck her hand out to shake my mother's.

My mom pushed her hand out of the way and opened her arms for a hug. Always a very kind and friendly woman so this didn't surprise me in the least, "Oh sweetheart please call me Sharon." Patri leaned into the hug and when my mom finally released her she put her hands on the Spaniard's cheeks, "You're even more beautiful than this one had said." She shot me a cheeky look and a blush crept onto Patri's face. "Mata sweetie why don't you go see if the doctors can bring Lotte in here so I can finally see my baby." 

I left the room to go find the doctor leaving Patri with my mom.

I quickly found the doctor assigned to my family and approached him in the hall, "Hi there doc, I was wondering if there was any way Lotte could be brought into my mom's room?" Worried he'd say no because of their condition I started rambling slightly, "If I'm going to lose them both I just want them to be able to be together one last time and-"

The doctor cut me off with a slight smile on his face, "I think that's a great idea, I was actually about to bring her in for you."

I smiled and waited there as the doctor went to get Lotte's bed. We walked into my mom's room together and I smiled as I saw Patri sitting by the edge of my mom's bed seeming to be engulfed in a conversation. Lotte looked so tired and frail in her bed that I knew her time was coming soon and it made me even happier that Patri was able to be here and that she was able to come be with my mom.

Lotte perked up as soon as she caught eyesight of our mom, "Mummy, you're okay!"

She looked past my girlfriend to see her youngest daughter and I could tell she was trying her hardest to put on a strong face, but she knew what soon would happen to the both of them. "My baby, I am so happy to see you!" Tears began to well in her eyes as this was going to be the last time we spent together as a family. 

We all stayed up late talking, my mom and sister telling stories to Patri all about me before I had left home. Some of the stories were before Lottie was born so she was having a ball of her own hearing my mother talk about me. Patri was laughing and getting on well with my family as we both tried to keep their spirits up as much as we could. The doctor had told me earlier that it was likely for both of them to pass in their sleep so as I noticed Lottie begin to tire I started getting tears in my eyes.

"Mata, why are you crying? Can't you tell me and mummy are okay?" My sister looked at me with sad eyes.

I didn't want to scare the young girl so I simply took a deep breath and answered, "I just missed you both so much and I am happy to see you two," I walked over and gave Lotte a kiss on the forehead hoping not to worry her. 

Lotte announced that she was going to go to sleep and before she closed her eyes for the final time she said, "Mata do you have your flight booked for tomorrow?" I gave her a questioning look, "You need to get to Amsterdam so you can have a day of training before the match. You don't need to miss the game because of us, me and mummy want to watch you play on the TV."

I walked over to the young girl's bed, "I'll fly home tomorrow Lots, I'll play that game for you and Mum, all the games I play are for you both."

This put a smile on her face, "You better score a beauty! But I am going to sleep now, goodnight I love you all."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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