I need to meet her

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{Quick A/N before I start, in all my books italicized indicates thoughts don't know if it'll be used today, but for future reference, enjoy!!!}

Mata POV

"Fucking wake up" I heard my roommate, Lisa Evans, yell from the doorway early this Friday morning.

I roll onto my back, "What the hell Lisa our game isn't till later whats with the wake-up call?" 

One of my other roommates and fellow Netherlands teammate Jill Roord walks by the door "Don't you remember we have breakfast with Lieke and Stef in a half-hour?" 

"Shit," I whisper under my breath as I roll out of bed and walk to the dresser.

"You'd think the young one would have the best memory wouldn't ya," I heard my final roommate Vivianne Miedema yell.

"Aye mate you're not that much older than me," I respond.

She pops her head into my room, "5 years is a long-time child." 

I walk over to close the door, "Leave me alone now so I can get ready."

I chose a pair of Arsenal joggers and a basic white Nike hoodie to wear to breakfast. I was excited, I haven't seen Lieke since the World Cup and since we're playing them tonight so we thought it'd be a great idea to have all the dutch get together. Lisa was coming with us because she and Viv have practically been dating forever so she's family now. We left the condo and started on our way to get our last dutch teammate, Danielle Van De Donk. 

"Morning guys." An especially cheerful Daan walked into the car with her girlfriend, Beth Mead, not far behind. Beth is in the same boat as Lisa, not Dutch but they've been dating one long enough to be family. 

"What's got you so excited this morning?" I asked.

"Well, first of all, we get to see Lieke and Stef for the first time in what feels like forever, and we get to crush them later tonight." Everyone laughs.

"You've got that last part right Daan." Jill fist-bumped the smaller midfielder.

"Don't get too ahead of yourselves its gonna be a tough game tonight, as it's meant to be. Barca is a quality team with some of the best in the world." Viv dampens the mood slightly from the driver's seat. 

Tonight we're playing Barcelona as a friendly to prepare both teams for the Champions League elimination rounds which we've both qualified for. 

"I'm not excited to have to run at Mapi Leon and Stef all night. I feel like every time we play Spain I never seem to be able to get by her on the dribble, plus we all know how good Stef is." I comment.

"Don't act like you've got top class footwork you're six foot two and jacked, you're not much of a dribbler." Viv teases and everyone laughs.

"Woah Woah Woah don't act like you're a big dribbler up top either."

"Never said I was." 

"Lets all just agree that out of our offensive players I have the best footwork." Beth comments. 

"Anyways having Beth on the wing playing in crosses for Mata to head and me playing through balls in for one of you two's longs legs to get on the end of, we should have a good go at their defensive line." Daan puts in.

"However Stef is a monster in the air," I added.

"Yes, but Stef is not 6'2, granted she's nowhere near it," Lisa chipped in.

"Plus we know her weaknesses, how to get by her," Viv adds, "but she knows ours too." This puts slight tension in the air as we're all in the thought of how to beat the opponent tonight.

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