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AN: First off I just wanted to say thank you to those who came back to this after such a large hiatus I seriously appreciate it more than anything. In case anyone forgot this is in 2019 but ill start adding timestamps to make it less confusing. Anyway hope you all love this chapter!

January 2019


Mata's POV

I woke up to my alarm sounding off at 7:30, I throw the covers off my bed and begin my routine. I've always been a morning person so waking up and getting ready has never been an issue for me. As I walked to my kitchen I texted Patri.

Hope you slept well gorgeous

She didn't respond right away so I turned my ringer on and went to the fridge to prepare breakfast. I'm making myself a few eggs with some spinach mixed in, a usual breakfast for me. I sit down at the table as I begin to eat I hear my phone ding from the kitchen. I run up to grab it disappointed with what I see on the screen

Jill Roord: You out there cooking? I can smell the eggs

I text back quick

None for you

I sit back down at the table, my phone next to me this time, when Jill comes storming out of her room.

"You gotta wake me up to the smells of breakfast and then not feed me? How rude could you be? Respect your elders Kind." She walked over to the fridge as I just rolled my eyes.

Finally what I've been waiting for flashes on my screen.

Patri: Being a charmer this morning I see

Your words, not mine

Patri: Heading down for breakfast now I'll text you in a bit

Have a lovely breakfast my dear

Patri: charmer

I look up from my phone to see Jill staring at me, "What?"

"You're smiling at your phone. You're falling for the girl."

"Jill it's been two months I'm not falling for her already."

Jill shrugged her shoulders, "Who says that's not enough time? When you know you know they say."

I mocked her, "When you know you know" Under my breath I said, "I never even officially asked her to be my girlfriend."

"Excuse me? Did I hear that right?" Jill looked shocked, "You didn't? Yall act like you've been together for years and you haven't even asked her to be your girlfriend. She already fell for you and you did for her."

Daan walks in out of nowhere, "You better ask her Kind."

I look around trying to find the new voice, "Why do you say that?"

"Because she probably thinks you're afraid of commitment and some girls get spooked by that." 

"Daan it took you like three years to ask Beth out so I'm not taking your advice." I stood up and walked to my room.

No one's POV

"Here we are today as Spain and England prepare for the upcoming world cup. Both sides have a strong team this year and we should have a fun game today for sure. Spain making a bit of a name for themselves this year as they have never impressed too much on the women's side, but in recent years this roster has changed that."

Warmups were finished and both teams were walking out ready to get the game underway. Early into the game, it was clear England had the slight upper hand, them being able to control the possession a bit more than their opponents, but Spain was not letting England have an easy trip. The backline of Spain proved strong and the craftiness in midfield was no easy task for England to defend.

Patri's POV

The game went to halftime without either team being able to score. I still yet to get on the field. The halftime talk was a lot of telling us to keep possession and to keep with our style of play. Mata and some of her teammates were sitting right above England's bench I was happy she made it out to the game I just hoped I'd get on.

As if Jorge heard my thoughts I was subbed on before the second half began. I jogged onto the filed into position, sitting slightly lower than Alexia and Vicky. Now on the side of England's bench, I looked over towards where the Dutch group was sitting and waved to Mata, she returned it with her signature smile and a wave back which made me blush.

Alexia slapped my shoulder as I was turned, "Quit staring at your girlfriend and focus." She joked.

"You're lucky your girlfriend stands in front of you so no one can see you checking out her ass." I teased right back. She smiled and stuck her tongue out as she walked back to her position. 

The half began and I was doing well keeping possession and having a fairly good time getting by English midfielders. At one point I joked to Vicky about the lack of pressure compared to what I had expected from such a high-level team. 

It was the 80th minutes when I found myself with the ball and plenty of space around midfield. I saw Lucia making a run on the outside shoulder of Lucy Bronze and played a ball in for her to run onto. I placed it well and continued my run to the top of the box to support the forwards. It was a shock to me when Lucia had sent the ball back to me and I was shooting from the 18. I had good contact with the ball and watched it cut the grass as it slipped in the bottom right corner. 

Immediately I was being hit from behind by Mapi screaming "THE YOUNG GOAT SAVED US!"

A lot of hugs from my teammates later and I looked above the English bench to see Mata on her feet jumping and cheering. I smiled and ran back to restart the half.

That goal was the deciding factor of the game and I was shocked to look towards the English bench and to see Mata had been missing. 

I went through greeting English players when I made it to Beth, "Hell of a shot Patri." She congratulated me.

"Yeah thanks, did you see where Mata went? She's not sitting with the rest of them anymore." I asked pointing towards the rest of her Arsenal teammates.

"I didn't see her leave why don't we go see."

We walked towards the group of Dutch girls and Daan was yelling before we got there, "You played great Beffy." She cheered as she reached for the English midfielder.

I walked closer before asking, "What happened to Mata?"

Viv spoke up first, "She got a call from a hospital back in the Netherlands. Her mom and sister were in an accident she was going to the airport." I just looked there in shock, "You should go call her now before she gets on a flight."

"Yeah yeah good idea, thanks, Viv." I ran off to the locker room not stopping for any of my teammates calling for me.

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