finale pt 1

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"What are you doing here?" YN asked. "I just finished work. What-what are you doing here?" Zayn asked awkwardly rubbing his neck. "Oh I was just on a walk." She frowned suddenly "I thought you moved back to England for university?" He nodded. "I did. I got my degrees about two or three years ago. I moved back to California because I think of this place as my home. I go back and forth though. I miss my family quite often. "

they continued talking and both noted how they felt nothing's changed. "I gotta go, but how about we catch a film or grab a coffee?" YN agreed and they exchanged phone numbers.  YN sighed feeling butterflies in her stomach. She missed Zayn. She put the tiny paper in her pocket and walked up to the door she was familiar with.  She could hear Justin having a fit and it broke her heart.

She knocked and stepped back fidgeting. "YN. I'm surprised you're here," Pattie said looking mentally and physically exhausted. " I know you probably don't want to see me, but I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by. If that's alright. " Pattie sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "Come in."

YN looked around the apartment at the new pictures here and there. She looked down and saw Justin's cars. It made her smile. "Sorry the place is a mess. Justin's sick again." YN nodded. "It's fine. Where's Justin?" Pattie sighed.  "Who knows. Justin where are you baby? Come to mama," she slightly yelled. There was no response.  "Would you mind if I checked his room? You look like you need a break." Pattie sighed. "I know," she laughed slightly. "I'm going to make some coffee. Call if you need anything."

YN walked down the hallway looking at pictures and drawings. She knocked lightly on his door and walked in. He looked slightly pale, but had tear stained cheeks and his thumb in his mouth. She pushed the hair slightly out of his eyes and he groaned at the contact. He fought the blanket for a while and then woke up sobbing. "What's wrong love?" She asked in a whisper, but he still jumped ever so slightly. He looked at YN and wrapped his arms around her waist. "N-Nurse!" She smiled and rubbed his back. "I-I  didn't th-think y-you were coming b-back," he sobbed happily (which also triggered some coughing and sniffling).

After a while he laid them down and started playing with her fingers. "I missed you." Justin sighed laying on her chest. YN started massaging his scalp and he hummed to himself. She felt his forehead. It wasn't too bad but a fever is a fever.  "Are you hungry? When did you eat last?" He shrugged and nodded. They walked out and she noticed Pattie was sleeping on the couch.  "Let's try not to wake up your mum ya?" He nodded and grabbed the remote to put a movie on. "Do you want a cheese toastie?" He frowned and tilted his head. She shook her head. "Seeing Zayn must have affected me more than I thought." She thought to herself. "I mean a grilled cheese." He nodded and sat on the floor playing while YN made lunch.

Lunch was finished and they started watching Lilo and stitch. A few minutes later Justin said he was done. "You didn't eat very much are you sure?" He nodded and laid on the floor. "My tummy hurts." YN cleaned up a little and Pattie soon awoke.

"I'm sorry. Did we wake you?" She shook her head sitting up. "I'm sorry for making you watch him. I didn't mean to fall asleep," Pattie said moving Justin onto her lap. "Nonsense! I could tell you needed some rest." Pattie smiled and started giving Justin a scalp massage.

"This is the first time in months where Justin hasn't cried in more than an hour. He's been having night terrors and it's made us both sleep deprived," Pattie sighed. "I know we ended on a bad note, but would you like your job back?" YN was speechless. "Are you sure?" Pattie nodded. "He bonds with you so well and his other caregivers weren't as effective as you." YN didn't know what to say. She looked over at Justin who was tiredly sucking his thumb. "I'd love to work with you Pattie. "

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