Pattie comes home/sick? finale

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I awoke with Justin once again in my bed. I smiled feeling content. I got up and got dressed. I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat on the couch in silence besides the low volume TV playing music.

I went on my phone while eating and looked at my messages. I almost forgot that Pattie was coming back today. I was debating on asking her to start a relationship with Justin. I knew that it wouldn't be professional and super illegal. My thoughts got caught off by the sound of the door unlocking.

Pattie came in and Jacks came running in at full speed barking. Pattie set her bags down and scooped him up. He started licking her and wagging his tail. Pattie laughed. "So this is the cutie I've been hearing about?" I nodded taking my dishes to the kitchen to wash them. "Yep. His name is Jacks." I sat next to pattie. "So how did everything go? Well besides the hospital trip," Pattie laughed sort of sadly.

"Everything went great. Only a few meltdowns luckily. So everything went well I'd say. How is your dad?" I asked. "He's doing well," Pattie sighed. "I loved going back." I smiled and nodded. "I bet you did." Pattie sighed.

"Oh I have some news! My job has me working in and out of the house. I can't always keep an eye on Justin so you can keep watching him for me!" I smiled wide feeling excited. "That's great! Thank you so much!"

Justin suddenly came out looking exhausted. He made a bee-line to his mum and whispered something in her ear. "Did you make it to the bathroom baby?" He nodded and his mum got up. "I'll be right back," she said excusing herself out of the room.

I sat next to Justin and ran my fingers through his hair. He blinked up at me lazily. "I threw up," Justin mumbled in a whisper. "I'm sorry bug.  Do you want anything?" He stared at me with wide eyes.

"M-milk?" I nodded and smiled at him. "I don't think milk is good for a sick tummy but I'll make it for you." I went and made Justin chocolate milk. When he heard me he sat up and I helped him take a few sips. Afterwards he coughed. "Remember to cover your mouth bubs," I slightly laughed. He nodded and laid on his side.

Pattie came back in with a bucket and Justin's blanket. She kissed his forehead and he smiled. "Are you okay?" Justin nodded. "Pets?" He asked in a pleading whisper. Pattie smiled and nodded. Justin sat up and his mum sat down. Justin laid on his mum's lap while she gave him a scalp massage.

A few minutes passed. "He fell asleep," Pattie said laughing sadly. We smiled at each other.  "Can I ask you a question?" I blurted nervously. Of course she nodded. "I love Justin and I'm scared about what would happen if I left him. I left him for less than a half an hour the other day and he almost had a panic attack. I'm worried that if I left he would fall into a deep depression. I guess what I'm trying to ask is if I can date Justin. What do you think? Can I date Justin?"

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