Chapter 1: 1943

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Adelaide's POV

I stood at the World Exposition of Tomorrow with my friend Anne waiting for Bucky and Steve to arrive. It was Bucky's last night here before his deployment in the 107th. He thought it would be a good idea to do a double date of sorts with Steve and one of my friends. Bucky and I weren't dating, and we never were. Him and I had become close friends when I first moved here. I was walking home from work one night and he felt the need to walk with me to make sure I felt safe,though he quickly learned that I was not one to mess with. It had become a nightly occurrence though, he always seemed to be out when I was walking home. Over the year we had known each other, we had become close friends, and I had become good friends with Steve as well.

I rolled my eyes as Anne flirted with every guy who gave the time of day. I knew this wasn't going to end well for Steve, knowing Anne she was going cringe at the sight of who I was setting her up with. Steve had such a huge heart and was such a respectful man, any girl would love to be with him, it was just unfortunate that most girls dreamed of a big, tough soldier. That is one thing Steve was not.

He was quite small, in height and muscle. He stood mere inches above my 5 foot 2 self and weighed 10 pounds less than me, weighing roughly 95 pounds, much less than a man his age should be. I knew from his medical records that he had a whole tone of conditions, including asthma, anemia, color blindness and severe anxiety. He wanted to fight in the war so badly to the point he went to 7 different cities, pretending to be different people, falsifying his medical conditions on his enlistment forms. I knew he had so much potential, he was smarter than the average soldier, but I could never let him in the war. With my powers I read his mind every time he gave Bucky and I a lame excuse on why he was going out of town, then I would follow him and let the main physician of his conditions, but not of how he lies about it since it's a felony and I didn't want to see him incarcerated... even though it could slow him down for a bit in order for him to realize he needed to move on,though that probably wouldn't work.

I cared deeply for Steve, I feel like I could have feelings for him if I allowed myself to form those types of attachments, but my powers would never allow me.

As Anne's 5th suitor of the hour left, I saw Bucky and Steve walk down the steps towards us. I called the boys and Bucky waved at me as he guided Steve to us.

"Please tell me Steve is the tall man." Anne said in an irritated tone. I rolled my eyes then embraced the boys in a hug. I wish I had a friend good enough for Steve, Anne was my only somewhat normal female friend I had, my friend Peggy was too busy with an S.S.R project to be even considered for this. Luckily my job in the S.S.R was less time consuming for now.

Bucky wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked around like he always did when we were together. He said he did it so men wouldn't drool over me, when in reality it was because he was the biggest flirt around. He knew I didn't want to fall in love because of my past and thankfully he for the most part respected that.

As we walked into the arena Anne walked beside me, clearly annoyed with who I had set her up with. Poor Steve tried to interact with her but she wouldn't bother to look at him. He trailed behind us as we walked, looking around at everything. When Howard Stark's presentation was about to begin, I grabbed Bucky's hand and ran with Anne up to the front, Steve trailing behind us. Steve offered Anne some of his popcorn and she just looked at him, scoffed and turned back to whatever Stark was going on about. He looked down at the bag for a moment and fiddled with the rim of the bag. After a moment of doing that, he cleared his voice before looking over to me.

"Adelaide would you like some?" He asked, nodding down to the bag in his hand.

"Sure!" I said reaching my hand into the bag to get a small amount of the popcorn. "Thank you Steve." I said with a smile on my face.Steve returned my gratitude with a small smile on his face before locking his eyes to the posters behind him and I turned back to Stark.

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