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"Mommy? What's that in the sky?" Juli had asked. She was only 5 years old but wanted to know everything about anything.
"I'm not sure honey. What are you looking at?" I said as I looked up from the road we were driving on.
"It looks like a big bird but it's not as big as a plane."she said. I looked in the sky again and happened to see something that looked to be large people gliding across the sky.
"Oh. Those are just crazy people with body gliders on." I said.
"What are body gliders, mommy?"
" They are suites used to glide on the wind for fun but they are also not for little girls, ok?" I said knowing she'd want to try it to.
"Aw, okay mommy." She said with a pout.
"What's Roy boy doing?" I asked.
"He's sleeping in his car seat. Ew, he's drooling!"
I just chuckled. Roy was my youngest. He was 2 years old and had a big boy attitude. He was so sweet, definitely a mamas boy but I didn't mind.

We had been driving for the past few days from Florida. I had finally saved up enough to buy a truck and travel trailer to move out of my ma's place. I had moved back home after I had broke it off with Juli and Roy's dad. I had found out he had been cheating on me so I left. Clearly me and our two kids wasn't enough for him. I lived at ma's for three years working multiple jobs to care for my two kids while trying to get child support from the Asshole.
It took me a long time but I was finally able to get what we needed and head out on our adventure. I had planned to see many places on our travels and that's what brought us to New York. We were on our way to a campground near High Peaks. Their was to be a kids nature hike event taking place and Juli had said she wanted to go so here we are.

"Mommy?" Juli and called from the back seat.

" Yes?" I answered.

"Do you think we'll see baby deer."she asked.

"I don't know but I know we will have a good time, ok? We should be at the campground soon then we can eat some dinner and get in the bed." I said.

She yawned and nodded her head. A gruff came from the passengers seat. It was my cane corso, Diesel.
I had gotten him from a cousin for my 24th birthday. He was all black with amber eyes. He was the sweetest thing you would ever meet and he was so protective of my kids. I was so happy he loved traveling as much as we did. He was always with us no matter what.
I reached over and scratched his head.

"What? I always feed you to, big guy." I said.
I checked my gps on my phone and the map then marked our last couple of miles. I had done this every time we drove so if anything happened and I didn't have my phone I'd know where we were. A few minutes later we were pulling into the campground. I went inside the office and got our campsite sorted. At every campground we go to I had always gotten a space that was at the back part of the campsite. I wasn't fond of being very close to all the other campers and it also aloud me to let Diesel roam freely without a bunch of Karen's not minding their business.
I parked our home. I let Juli and Diesel roam around our spot while I hooked it up to the camps power and water. I then putt the slides out and got Roy out of his car seat.

" Mama play wif Juli." He said.

"Ok stay with Diesel, you hear me?" I said.

"Yes'm" he said.

"Diesel." I called. And he came up to me with Juli fallowing him.

"Watch." I command. He instantly went to Roy's side and  stayed with him where ever he went. I have trained him to be a guard dog as well as being a family pet. There have been times where he has protected my babies from potential danger and made sure to alert me. I went inside and made a quick dinner of steamed veggies and chicken.
I whistled and heard a bark. Then Juli and Roy came in the camper with Diesel hot on there trail. They washed as I set there plates and then pulled out Diesel's food and added some chicken to it. We ate then I helped the babies get ready for bed. After I cleaned up from dinner, I got in bed myself with Diesel laying by my bed. Laying in bed I sent ma a message that we made it ok and said good night. I plugged in my phone and fell asleep.

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