Chapter 22

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  • Dedicated to MY FANS <3




“What is wrong with you?!”

   She sat there, tears streaming down her face and simply stared at me. She was probably scared out of her mind, but right now I could care less.

   “Were you out of your mind? I mean… what were you thinking?!” she remained silent. That just infuriated me a whole lot more.

  “I’m speaking to you! Answer me, Maia!” She whimpered and cowered slightly away from me, when my gesturing hands swung in front of her face. Just that action alone pissed me off and made my eyes burn at the same time.

  It reminded me of the time Em thought I would hit her… then the time when I actually did. It reminded me of how hurt and upset she was after that. It really gave my ego the blow it deserved; enough to make me trust and love and believe in my Mate. Enough for me to realise that I loved and needed her in my life, it gave me a newfound respect in her.

  I stared at my younger sister in disgust and repulsion. Here she was sitting… alive, healthy and perfectly fine. Unlike Emily whose life was hanging in the balance.

   The thought pushed me over the edge-when I was trying so hard to maintain control.

   I looked at her and lurched across the room to grab the gun. Maia screamed. I snarled in anger as I pointed it at her.

 “What she feels, you feel too.” I hissed.

  I looked into her eyes and aimed it at her. I saw her fear and pain… her shame, embarrassment, unhappiness. I even caught a glimpse of her as a little kid, running behind me for one of her dolls when I would tease her. I recognised my little sister-who was rude, loud, obnoxious, smart-mouthed, funny and young. Someone the same age as my mate- who was young, energetic and full of life.

   It broke my heart to even look at Maia. I stared at the gun in my hands and let out a pitiful howl of pain and anguish as I let it drop to the floor- as I fell to my knees. My heart broke just thinking about Emily lying in the next room being tended to by the Pack Doctor.

  I felt an unexplainable type of pain rack my entire body along with pitiful and heart-wrenching sobs. I cried. In front of everyone around me; my sister and  about thirty guys from my pack. But, I didn’t give a damn. My heart was aching for my one true love; if  I couldn’t see her again…if I could not hold her, hug her, kiss her, touch her, taste her… feel her warm breath against mine. If I could no longer hear her whisper “I love you” to me one last time or if I could no longer have the opportunity to tell her how I felt; put a ring on her finger… I f I could no longer live out the rest of my days with her…

  The sobs wracked my body even more- harder, faster, stronger. I howled in pain and longing and despair and my pack howled along with me.

  I felt small arms wrap around my neck and I stiffened. I heard the sniffles and immediately growled when I smelled her. I jumped back and pushed her away from me.

  Just in time for them to walk through.

 Mom, Dad and her Mate to the rescue…

  Not forgetting HIM…




  I felt disoriented and my eyes were heavy. There was a weird soreness in my stomach. I tried to move my arms but they seemed to have disappeared from my body and at the same time they were really heavy.

   I struggled to open my eyes- feeling confused and in need of Christian at that moment. I tried to contact him through our link but I was blocked somehow.

  After what seemed an eternity of trying, I finally got them open. Only to shut them once more after being blinded by the lights around me; I thought I was dead- only for a moment. However, the loud voices around me that shocked the system were enough proof of me being very much alive.

  I finally opened them again-slowly and this time the light was not what met my eyes.  Instead, sharp grey eyes… rimmed with heavy dark, purple circles; a face creased with worry lines and relief as well. The face I loved that could make me smile on my darkest and most haunted days.

   I managed to form a weak smile and I saw him grin broadly down at me. As my eyes got accustomed to the light in the room, I noticed that there were variations of different people in the room. Some I was familiar with and others  were like strangers to me.

   I tred tp open my mouth to talk to Chris, but he gently pressed his lips against mine to shush me.

  “I love you.” he mouthed to me.

    I was prepared to say it back when a sharp shooting pain went through my already aching stomach . My back arched and I felt my eyes roll into my head and my head lolled against the pillow roughly.

   I heard the screams and frantic shouts of Chris loud and clear echo around me. He frantically screamed at me to ‘wake up’ and ‘stay with me babe’. He reminded me of how much he loved me.

   That was all a fading memory, what was more real was an all too familiar sensation that surrounded me. I felt Fate’s presence loud and clear this time.

  It was expected…



This is WAY overdue! But I love you guys... thank you for the support.... love and dedication!!!

I was in some kind of Writer's block, tired and LAZY!


No promises though... not sure when the next upload will be. #NOH8

Thank you guys SO MUCH! BEST FANS (101) FANS EVER!!!

You guys got me to 17,000 + READS ...OMG! Never expected this!!! You kept me writing...LOVE YOU GUYS <3

Love you guys <3 <3 <3

                                                                                 - xoxo <3

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