Chapter 21

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    I froze up, incapable of any form of speech at the moment. I felt my heart pounding rapidly in my chest, the quickening of my pulse, the surge of blood that was racing through my body. My hands were clammy and I felt completely unlike myself.

   I was in shock.

   Complete and utter shock.

   This girl was supposed to be my friend. How could she be standing here holding a gun to me? How could she be ready to pull that trigger after knowing all that I went through?! Did it ever occur to her what this would do to her brother? The pack? To me?!

   Even to herself!

    I swallowed the lump in my throat and settled myself on my own two feet. Afraid to move forward, or backward in case it scared her into shooting at me.

   "Maia?" I began slowly, feeling every bit more scared at the moment. "What're you....d-doing?"

   I was amazed at how calm I managed to sound given that my life was on the line. Maybe I was just used to it? But the shock of the moment could have been enough to put anyone on edge. Even the strongest of the strong... bravest of the brave...

   She stared at me and only then did I noticed her blood shot eyes and teared stained cheeks. Something was wrong; something was very, very wrong. Even more wrong than the fact that my best friend had a gun pointed at me right about now. MORE wrong than the fact that I wasn't totally freaked out by that.

   She swallowed, visibly. "Shut up." It was a whisper, but I heard it. I heard every bit of it; I heard everything that was completely unlike my sister and companion.

   "No. Tell me what's wrong. We can talk about--" she cut me off.

   "SHUT UP!" Her voice was stronger this time and firmer. It made me flinch in shock and fear but yet still... I moved towards her.

   "Maia-- what's wrong?"

    She sniffled. "I have to. I-I have to do this... you-- I have to okay?!"

    I stared at her, confused. "You have to what? Shoot me?"

    Her eyes widened and she nodded slowly. I was shocked and even more confused than before. She HAD to shoot me?

  "Why? Why do you HAVE to shoot me... you could put the gun down and we could---" she cut me off again.

   "I LOVE him, okay? And I'm-- I'm sorry but he means the WORLD to me and I cannot live-- I c-can't live without him!"

   "Preston? Is this about Preston?" I whispered.

   She glared at me. ''Shut up! Okay, just shut up! And let's get this over with!"

   At that moment there was a knock that door. We both froze and stared at it.

    "Em, open the door." It was Christian.

     "Sh*t." Maia whispered.

     "Uhh... I'm kind of in the middle of something so if you could---"

     He pounded more violently and I jumped. "No! It's important, it's about Maia...."

    This time, his sister cut him off. "Go away! Leave us alone, Chris."

     "NO!" he roared. "Maia, stay away from her!"

     "SHUT UP!"

     "Maia! I order you---"


     "I swear to you Maia, if you don't open this door then I'm going to break it down!"

     Not good. Shit. "Chris you ----"

     That was when he launched himself at the door, gently at first. I moved toward the door as he came at it the second time and the third with enough force to break it down. Maia was between the both of us and was jumping fiercely with every sound and movement made. The gun in her hands flailing wildly with each jerky movement.

    She was telling me to stay in place but I lunged past her to yank the door open just as it came crashing down. Just as the loud 'BANG!' echoed through the room. Just as I felt a pain in my side that could compare to nothing.

  Just as I heard the roar of pain and terror from my mate.... just as I got shot and collapsed in a heap on the floor.


A/N: Soooo sorry for the LONG, LONG, LONG wait!!!

But MUCH LOVE and THANKS to you guys for being there and asking me to upload! It means a lot to me knowing that you guys care SO much.

Sorry for the really lame chapter -_-

Not apologising for it being short... I already explained it.

Bet we're all thinking... "Why did Maia do that?"

I don't even know ;)... But I PROMISE to upload soon and not make the wait as long this time.


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