Tharyn would roll her eyes and put her bag down by the door, "What..?" She said folding her arms and scoffing.
"Can you take those boxes into the basement.. I'll time you.." Brick would point at the boxes, a quarter of Tharyn's height as she would sigh, picking up both of the boxes and wobbled down the stairs.
*geez, what's in these boxes..?! Why're they so heavy..?*Tharyn thought, carefully making it to the basement, loosing grip of one of the boxes as it would fall down the stairs.
Tharyn rushed down the stairs out of curiosity, placing the box down at the end of the basement and turning on the lights.
Tharyn would slowly open the box, seeing something furry and grey, picking it up and jumping back as it would be the cat.. our cat.. Dingus...
Dingus would be laying there, almost lifeless in pain as Tharyn screamed out, "What the fuck?"
Brick had finally ended their stream as they pulled out a butterfly knife, flipping it around and having a big grin under their paper mask, looking at Link and Lay.
|| || = Lay
| = L/Link
||| = Brick ||
||| "I think it's time.."|| "Time for what..?"
||| "Oh, you'll see.."
||Brick would adjust their paper mask and tie, walking downstairs and into the basement.
A dark tall figure would be at the top of the stairs. A serious voice would echo all the way down, startling Tharyn.
"Did I tell you to look in those boxes..?" Brick would say, slowly walking down the stairs, putting the knife through Tharyn's shirt and back out, clipping her on like a pin and pulling her close as Tharyn wouldn't say anything out of fear.

Goodbye precious kitty Tharyn
Hororjust say this was out of our way to scare a racist uneducated girl because they wouldn't listen to us, they're extremely ignorant and it's so annoying. Also, it's not away to attack them or trying to get them to die or something, telling someone to...