Chapter Nineteen

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"Have you seen my tie?" Trey asked frantically.

Trey was supposed to leave ten minutes ago to go to Maya's house, but something kept coming up. First, he didn't iron his shirt. Now, he can't find his tie.

I was dressed in my black suit with a white button-up shirt and maroon tie. I rummaged through my closet trying to find Trey's tie.

"I found it!" He raised the tie in triumph. He extended his arm to me. "Could you tie it?"

I sighed and helped him tie it. He checked himself out in the mirror beside me.

"You clean up nice," he said.

"Trey! Alex! Can you get down here please?" My mom called from downstairs.

I patted Trey's shoulder. "Go down, I'll be right behind you." He nodded and headed out.

I looked through my closet and took out the familiar plastic bag. I pulled the gun out of it and put it in the inside of my blazer pocket. I couldn't put it in my waistband this time. Except for when I go to school, I always take the gun with me whenever I'm outside. Bringing a gun to a school dance sounds stupid, but we'll be walking to and from school. It's already late, so I might need it.

I buttoned my blazer and headed downstairs. My parents and Zoe were busy taking pictures of Trey. When my mom noticed me, she gestured for me to get into the frame with Trey. I stood next to him and smiled as they took our pictures.

"I should go," Trey said after a few minutes. "Maya might think I ditched her."

Zoe jangled her keys. "Need me to drop you off?"

He grinned. "That would be great."

My parents took more pictures of me while the two of them headed out. I was grateful when my doorbell finally rang and my dad let Riley in.

She looked gorgeous. Her hair was straightened and she complemented her blue dress with blue heels. She grinned once she caught my eye. My heart fluttered.

"Riley!" My mom hugged her. "You know, I had a feeling this was going to happen."

Her face flushed.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Mom."

"Oh, sorry," she turned to Riley. "Can you stand next to Alex so we can get some pictures?"

Riley obliged and greeted me with a hug.

"You look amazing," I said.

She smiled and took my hand in hers. "Thanks. You too."

The two of us stood side by side and let my parents take pictures of us. After a few minutes, I told them that we were going to be late if we didn't leave soon, so they let us go.

I felt chilly the second we stepped outside.

"How'd you walk here?" I asked her. "It's so cold."

"It's not that bad," she waved off.

Her dress had no sleeves and a slit on the side, so I had a hard time believing that. I wanted to hand her my blazer, but I was afraid she'd notice the gun stashed in it.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded.

We started walking a few blocks and noticed her crossing her arms. She was shivering.

I decided it was worth the risk and took my blazer off, draping it around her shoulders. She tried to give it back.

"You'll freeze," she said.

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