Chapter Twenty

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I knew it was bad when Trey started acting differently. Winter break started, and the three of us hung out almost every single day, but something was off. Ever since that night it felt like Trey and Riley have been walking on eggshells around me. They shouldn't. They tried to convince me to get rid of both of the guns I now own, but I refused.

After what happened that night, Trey was forced to tell Maya everything. Weirdly enough, it seemed to have brought them closer. She's been coming over a lot now.

My parents went to Miami over this break, and it took a lot to convince them not to bring me and Trey. We couldn't afford to take a break right now.

I tried asking Zoe if they had any more leads on Caleb's death, but she didn't tell me. Trey and Riley both seem to be avoiding the topic too. The only person who understood me was Damian. He and I have been meeting in the same alleyway almost every day.

Damian was leaning against a wall when I saw him. He nodded as I approached him.

"Anything new?" he asked.

I shook my head. "They still don't think we should dig up stuff on Matt."

"Where are they right now?" he asked.

"Them two and Maya are at my house right now," I said.

He pushed himself off the wall and started walking. "So, that's where we're going."

I followed him. "What are you gonna say?"

"Continuing the investigation is your best shot of ending all this," he said. "If they won't listen to you, they might listen to me."

"I just want this to be over with," I mumbled.

He smirked. "Trust me, so do I."

"Are you gonna help us this time around?" I asked.

He nodded. "Four is better than three. If we can get Maya in on it, even better."

I felt better about our chances now that we got Damian on our side. He knows the Reapers inside and out, so we're going to need him. I was grateful that he understood how big of a threat the Reapers are. Trey and Riley are hoping it'll blow over, but that won't happen.

"Any news on Grant?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Still hasn't left the warehouse since that night. The Reapers are getting mad at Matt for not striking back. They think he's getting soft."

"Not that I'm complaining, but why isn't he doing anything?" I asked.

Damian paused. "I have no idea. If this happened a year ago you'd be dead. None of us know what he's thinking, and he hasn't been telling us anything."

What is Matt doing? I've been carrying a gun everywhere since that night expecting something to happen, but it hasn't. I haven't even seen anyone following us. I can't let my guard down, though. He might be planning something.

The two of us made it to my house and walked upstairs. I made sure to pull my hoodie down to cover the gun before I walked into my room.

Trey and Maya were sitting on Trey's bed, with Riley on mine. Damian greeted the others and sat on Trey's bed. I sat on my bed.

"Let's get down to business," Damian said. "I think we should find a way to bring Matt down."

Riley immediately looked at me. "Did you put him up to this?"

Damian answered for me. "No, he didn't, I just agree that it needs to be done so we all can all move on from this."

"And how are we gonna do that?" Trey asked skeptically.

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