Chapter 7

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-Asta room-

" Here you go Liebe" Said Asta handing him a small bed. " keh keh thank you" Said Liebe. He then put the bed beside the window.He then went to Asta take some stuff. Suddenly as he wanted to go to his bed, he saw an anti bird sleep on his bed. " What the..? He you stupid bird! Go away..that's is my place!" Said Liebe. The bird just stared at him with his bored expression.Liebe started to annoyed, he then go near the bird face to face. " I give you last warning, go away!"

The bird then pecked him on the eyes making him dropped to the ground. " Auch!!! You little...I will fried you! Asta do something with this!" " Huh? That's not my yourself.. I'm tired now. Asta said yawning.
" H-hey! Wait don't ignored me!" Liebe said.
Asta ignored him with his layed on the bed and started to snores. " This boy....!" Liebe said annoyed. He then went back to the bird and said " You! Don't be rude..I can cook you whenever I want". He said.

The bird just stared at him. " Stop doing that face! And if you sleep on my bed where do I will sleep?" Said Liebe. The bird then pointed his wing to a small nest behind him. " urghh..fine tonight is your night but tomorrow if you do it again..I will slice you into half and cook you" (the bird) :.......

Liebe go to the nest, and layed on it. " hmm this is no that bad either". He then started to yawn and drift to sleep, forget about what happened before.

-The Next Morning-

With Noelle

She woke up late at this it about 10:00 am in the morning " erghh... my head hurt..last night I can't sleep....I can't stop thinking about him for some reason, am I started to fall in love? N-no..I'm royalty and he's commoner..b-but..( thinking about what Asta had done for her before) h-he...helped me...-sigh- I guess I will leave that temporary..but first I need to meet him" Noelle said. She immediately get up from her bed started to dress and ready to meet Asta.

After she was done, she walked down the stairs and ready to meet others. " Oh hey Noelle! You woke up late today..something happened?" Asked Vanessa. " Not really" replied Noelle.
" Orrrrr" Vanessa then walked toward her ears leaned and started whispered something " You can't stop thinking about someone ..." She said smirked. Noelle cheeks turned red and started shouting " WH-What?!! N-no I'm not thinking about Bakasta!!!
"Huh? I didn't said you are thinking about Asta" Said Vanessa smirked. Noelle then realised her mistake and embarrassed because everyone was looking at her confused.
She then started to ran outside the base with her red cheeks.

" Wassap with that royalty?" Asked Magna confused. " Hmmm Maybe she is sick" Said Finral. " Huhhh Noelle...still can't be honest with yourself..I know what happened last are hugging asta..well I really can't understand about these lovebirds" Thought Vanessa with smiled.

" hahhhhh" sigh noelle tired of running. " That dare she embarrassed me in front of others..I mean..if she wants to talked about Asta..talked at the private place" Said Noelle annoyed. " arghhh why?!! Why I'm still thinking about him!" Said Noelle frustrated .
" hmm maybe I should meet him..but where did he go? I didn't see him at the base"
After that..she begin to search Asta at the forest .

With Asta

Shouted Asta tired from doing push up while Liebbe at his back. " Wow..You managed to finished 10 thousands push up..congrats". Said Liebe blankly. " Ohh come on..I still have not finish yet!" Replied Asta. " Hey stop it! Don't push yourself..if you did, your body will turned into ugly"
" are just jealous because your body is skinny and black" said Asta chuckled. " What did you said?!!!"

Suddenly Liebe begin to sense someone mana. " Hey stop it..I sense something" Said Liebe looking serious. " huh?" Asta then get up and saw in front of him was like a black shadow and finally revealed someone who familiar.

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