Chapter 18

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With Noelle

      A girl with pigtails was in the kitchen enjoying the foods along with a girl with red hair who's still worried about her siblings.

" Luca, Marco I hope you're all okay" Said Rebecca worried. " Don't worried, Asta's there. He probably has done saving them. "Damn it Bakasta, why are so late...?!" Thought Noelle worried. " Yeah I hope so. By the way, did you finally get the reinforcement?" Asked Rebecca.
" Oh yeah, I got it. Maybe some stupid ass guy (sekke) on his way to called the reinforcement."said Noelle. Rebecca only laugh with her comment.

With Sekke

He's in the black bulls to get the reinforcement. However, everything wasn't going well at all. " what is this place..?" Thought Sekke as he'sin a dark room( black bulls living room) searching for captain Yami.

As he's searching, he suddenly meet with a tall guy with creepy look mumbling something and beside him was a fat guy who only blew a smoke. Sekke was shocked that made him fall to the ground. " let's be a friend.. hehheheh" Mumbled Gordon with his creepy smile. " G-go away from me!" Shouted Sekke scared.

He then got up and run away. But unfortunately, he was bump into something rough and hard that made him fall back. As he opened his eyes, he was shocked , speechless and almost fainted as he saw someone in front of him.

"Yow" Said the creature that made whole sekke body turned into white

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"Yow" Said the creature that made whole sekke body turned into white. " Aaaaaaa!! Help me, there's a ghost here!!" Shouted Sekke scared. " Huh, do you have any last word insect?!" Said Liebe annoyed. " Waaaaaaa, the ghost can talked help me!!!!"

" Yare Yare, what the hell's happening here. I can't take a little nap." Said someone as he turned the light. " ahh good captain of the black bulls. Help me, there's a gh—" Sekke couldn't finished as Yami grabbed his head lifting him from the ground. " Who the fuxk are you. A thief?!" Said Yami angry. " N-no, I'm m-magic knight sir. P-please released me" Said Sekke.

" Explained me why are you here or else I will kill you!" Said Yami. " W-we need a reinforcement from you. One of your squad got into a battle" Said Sekke try to released from Yami gripped. " Tch, must be that brat again" Said Liebe. " Well tell me where's he" Said Yami while released Sekke head.

Back With Asta

Hye kid, are you excited getting dissect hehe" Said Sally while licking her lips. " Who the hell are you and why do you wanted me?!" Asked Asta getting into fighting stand.

" Oh pardon me. My name is Sally. I'm the one who's organised this planned fufu.." Said Sally.
" So you're the one who made my angel into a danger.." said Gauche stepping forward and glared up at the mage, "You're dead, reflect refrain" he said firing a beam up at Sally as her grimoire opened.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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