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"If you consented to this, it wouldn't be kidnap."


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THROUGHOUT THE DAY, the atmosphere has been tense and it feels as though nobody really wants to speak first between Clint, Jeff and I in the medjack hut. We've briefly discussed the maze, and how it looks inside, but I'm sick of speaking about it.

Of course, I understand everyone's curiosity about what's inside and how we managed to be the first ones who have ever survived a night in the maze, but it feels as if that's the only thing anyone wants to talk about. I think people expect change, and maybe Thomas triggered something, but half of the boys here refuse to accept it while the other half won't stop protesting on behalf of it.

It's on my first break of the day, long after lunch, in which I search around the glade to find everyone. No Minho, no Tommy, no Newt, no Zart, no Winston, not even Frypan. I don't know where they'd gone, but I decide that it isn't of my concern as I make my way over to the builders area.

I noticed when I first got sent up to the glade that everyone walks with purpose, a sort of pep or speed-walk; it's as though everyone always has somewhere to be, or something to do and now they just drag their feet. It's like everyone was a zombie, though after I imagine some of the boys as zombies I decide to shake the thought out of my head.

I mean, imagine Newt as a zombie. Impossible.

Letting a small smile take over my face, I spot Gally who's wiping some sweat off of his forehead and leaning on the stump of a tree.

Childish nature in cue, I sneak up behind him and tap his left shoulder, quickly moving to the right. 

"What the hell.." I hear his voice speak out, and before I can move to try and annoy him even further, I feel myself being lifted off the ground by Gally's large, calloused hands.

I immediately let out a squeak in protest, though I can't help the giggles that leave my lips. I'm glad to be friends with Gally, in our sibling-sort of relationship, as even when the Glade feels like a rehabilitation facility for depressed teenagers, except Chuck, we always manage to cheer one another up.

"Hey! Put me down. I don't remember consenting to this." Gally lets out a laugh as he throws me over his shoulder, refusing to take note of my numerous protests.

"If you consented to this, it wouldn't be kidnap." Great, now I'm being kidnapped. This is just how I love spending my Monday mornings. Or at least, I think it's Monday today.

I give up trying to escape and enjoy the ride since it means that I won't have to walk around, even if we aren't necessarily going anywhere.

"Nice ass, Gally." I have a clear view from where I'm situated over his shoulder in a fireman-carry haul. 

THE MAZE TRIALS ┃tmr love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now