My Thought 1

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I wanted to ask you.
What is life for you?
Is life for you is about waking up everyday without purpose or plan of what you wanted to do at that day?
Is life for you is about surviving every single day just for the fact that you are living.

Life is a 4 letter words but so hard to give a meaning or to know what really is it.

Life to someone can be a blessing and can also be a fuck up thing to others but for you what really life is?

Life has many things to offer as long as you see what life is beyond the word itself. Life brings joy and sadness to people but the satisfaction of living the life is what matters. But how can we know that we are already satisfied? How can someone be satisfied if we have endless dreams and goals in life that at some point of that dreams and goals we forgot to live life by what our purpose of living is all about. We always want to aim something, to achieve things. But at the end of the day. Does it really matter? Does it gives us genuine happiness and overflowing satisfaction? Well? Maybe at some point it does. But how far? How far it will long? A second, minute? Or a day? Month or year? We don't really know right? And that what makes life. That what is life all about. It is the uncertainties that gives life a meaning. The unanswered and endless questions gives life more exciting and fulfilling. It's the reason why we're afraid and want to live life regardless those negative things is because of the excitement of what tomorrow my bring us. The surprises of what happen next.

What is your purpose?

Now think! Do you have any purpose why your living the life you have right now? I hope you do.

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