Never have i ever

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Bucky picked me up and threw me over his shoulder"james buchanan barnes put me down"i said whilst laughing "nope not until we are up there cause knowing you will go back to the lab and try and get out of this game"bucky said he put me down next to nat i scowled at bucky wich just made the avengers laugh "ok so what are we playing" thor asked " we are going to play never have i ever"wanda said with a smirk "oh gods why do i feel like this is going to expose some of my secrets" i said " wait you have secrets" clint said and looked over at bucky and wanda who were smirking like idiots " oh gods i wish i had never said anything now"i said trying not to blush as i was sitting right next to nat " right well i will go first" thor said "never have i ever blown anything up on purpose" thor said no one drunk but I knew you could not lie during the game so i took a drink and everyone looked shocked at me " ok now you have to explain" wanda said " well i remember that i painted one of my dad suites bright pink and so to escape him and stop him from give me a tickle session I made something explode" I said with a smirk remembering that day " of course you did" nat said whilst laughing along with the rest of the avengers " ok my turn never have i ever had a crush on a fellow avenger that was female" wanda said with a smirk and i looked at her horrified i knew i had to lie for this so i did not drink but bucky kept staring at me so i had to drink

"wait take that back a second you have a crush on a female avenger"clint said and then looked over at wanda and bucky smirking " wait do you two know who it is" thor said " yes they do and they are not going to tell you" i said " well if they can't tell you then you have to tell us" clint said "no i don't have to tell you"i said my stubbornness coming in scowling really hard at bucky and wanda you know if looks could kill they would be dead by now "ok well we can guess right susan" clint said "ok fine but if you get it right don't expect me to admit to it" i said " your just like tony who would not to admit something" nat said " well it can't be wanda cause she is dating me and it can't be shuri cause she is dating someone in wakanda and it could be sharon carter or nat" vision said i pulled a face when he said sharon's name which made everyone laugh " no offence but i would rather shoot myself than date sharon carter" I said clints eyes went wide when he realized who it was but did not get a chance to say who it was " susan project 246 and 247 is done" legolas said " thanks legolas i will come down and get them guess that you will never know who it is" i said then walked off " i know who it is" clint shouted which made me freeze " right well you can tell everyone when i get back ok"i said and clint nodded his head

when i came back i had two picture frames i handed on to bucky" i hope it is ok" i said with a smile and bucky looked at the picture frame and looked shocked " susan that is amazing how did you do this"bucky said " it's not hard just find lots of pictures and just make them into a video and then put it into a frame" i said everyone looked shocked but clint looked smug " ok clint i can see you are going to burst what do you want to say" i said looking over at clint " i know who your crush is" he said my eyes went wide " and your not going to tell anyone" i said " you know some of us can read minds susan has a crush on nat" loki said i just looked at loki shocked before heading off to my room hoping to keep out of the way of nat

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