Chapter 3

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Still at the VIP party

Seye really needed to ease herself or she was going to pee right there, in the middle of the room, as she excused herself and got up to go to the convinience, a waiter who did not see her bumbed into her, causing the drinks he was carrying to pour on her clothes.

'Oh my God, I am so sorry ma, the waiter was really shaking when I looked at him, I guess he thought he would lose his job, considering the status of people here, I should have stayed at home.

I sighed and told him it was okay, and wen to the back,  where I could ask one of the waiters or servers where the convinience was, but the sight of the garden from the back was so beautiful, I forgot about my pee and my wet shirt.

'Hello, did a hurricane pass by, what happened to you..I heard a deep voice behind me and turned to the owner of the voice.

'Excuse me?

"Your dress, the odd guy said, and pointed to my top, it's ruined.

"Yeah, I can see that", I told him.

What happened, you look like you were washed all over your top with expensive champagne

'Really, wait guy, who are you, you just walked up and started sayungridiculous tjings if you are jobless go and join that circle over there..I said, pointing over to the group of guys scoping(looking at girls with interest) girls.

"Wait, you don't know who I am?

Who you be?, Hmmm, Seye remembered what her girls told her and corrected herself, Sorry about that Should I know you?

He gave me a surprised look, and said 'Actually I am not someone important, he smiled, But I am someone who wants towanting to socialize with the bigger guns.

Obviously, Seye thought, he looked like a guy her friends would start blushing over , but she just wanted some peace and quiet .

"Why do you keep looking at the garden, He said looking at me and back at the garden, 'You look at it and smile.

"They look beautiful, and the shapes are so makes everything around it beautiful also..Seye sighed, it really was a beautiful sight.

"So you mean you are here admiring the garden, instead of socializing, he looked at me like he could see right through me.

Seye asked, 'Who socializing help abeg.

"I looked back and caught him smiling,
"What, I asked?

"You speak pidgin a lot, don't you? He asked me?

"Argh, I silently grunted,  wonderful, I spoke pidgin again, well he isn't an important person, I am very sure he borrowed his suit to impress people here.

'What, okay hold up, I did not borrow my suit from anyone, it's mine. He said looking at me like I was a crazy person

"Wait, did she just say that out loud?, from the look he gave her she knew he heard her clearly.
I didn't mean it like that , I whispered.

Ehnehn, okay, you can repay me by bringing up a topic, we can talk about, this party is quite dry.

Seye was about to argue, no man could tell her what to do, especially a stranger, but she saw his face and how serious he was and agreed.
Fine, Let's talk about the people at this party.

'Why, is there no other interesting topic.

"It's my topic bruv, See that lady wearing the sleeveless lilac gown at that table, I pointed to her., he nodded, think of a reason why she's sitting like that I saw his mind already trying to analyse why,
Observe the way she twists her body and the way her hand is constantly touching her lips and her hair.

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