𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰

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"Why aren't you eating anything, dear?" Camilla asked sweetly, looking at the girl across the table worriedly.

Y/n looked up from her porridge and was met with Camilla's brown eyes, concern clearly evident in them.

"Is there something wrong with my cooking?" Remus asked, looking worriedly at Y/n and her bowl before shoving a spoonful of the porridge he made into his mouth. "Hmm... It tastes good to me ."

The girl simply gave a reassuring smile before saying, "I'm fine, just... excited, I guess."

Oh, she really was excited. 

"Well eat up," Camilla chirped, picking up her mug. "They should be here any minute to pick you up."

"Really?" Y/n asked, bouncing her leg under the table with poorly concealed excitement.

After Y/n found out her dad was in fact not a crazy mass murderer, bringing up Sirius Black had become easier—less problematic. Though the entire Wizarding World thought he was a crazy, murderous traitor, she knew the truth, at least. She found out last year, and it still took some getting used to the fact her father was innocent. She was shocked to find out, as any normal person would, but it was a relief to know that her father wasn't what everyone thought him to be. That there was that one piece of normality in her parental situation. Y/n's closest friends; Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Y/n had all figured out the truth, too, and they all found it relieving, as well.

It also meant Harry wouldn't have to murder a man at the age of thirteen for betraying his mother and father, leading to their murder, but we don't talk about that.

To the average, non-magical teen, Y/n's life would be absolute bonkers—and, well, it is. Even to other witches and wizards, Y/n wasn't exactly "normal" to everyone else; mainly because of her relation to Sirius Black, but also because of her friend, Harry Potter. Best friend and godbrother is how Y/n sees him, and she often forgets that he's a "history-making miracle, The Boy Who Lived"—a real quote from the Daily Prophet, wizarding newspaper.

Ever since she arrived at Hogwarts, things couldn't have been better for her. She loved her friends, and she loved the magic—she loved the control and independence she had there. She would be arriving soon, a little after the Quidditch World Cup was over.

"Have you packed everything?" Camilla asked, looking at her with a raised brow and that look .

"Yes," Y/n said while brushing a strand of her dark brown hair from her face, suddenly feeling irritated that it was in her way in the first place. "I've got everything packed and ready to go."

"Your books?" Camilla pushed, now wiping the area around her mouth with a napkin.

"Oh, come on," Y/n groaned, hanging her head down slightly. "You know I made sure I've packed my books! Even my school ones."

"Alright, well you packed the sweater I bought you the other day, right?" Camilla was now gathering her bowl, having finished her porridge, and was beginning to stand. "The red one?"

" Yes , Cami."

" And the coat?" Camilla looked over her shoulder as she walked toward the kitchen.

Well ...

"...Not yet," Y/n muttered, looking down at her lap.

Camilla tutted loudly, and Y/n heard the sink faucet go on, no later hearing the sound of dishes clinking together.

"She always knows," Remus shook his head, looking at Camilla putting a rinsed-out bowl in the dishwasher. "I swear, it's creepy."

" I heard that ," Camilla said in a sing-song voice, looking back at the two, smiling.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊║𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲Where stories live. Discover now