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Three weeks.

Three entire weeks of detention with Professor McGonagall. One black eye. Two small bruises on my jaw. I was starting to regret slapping Pansy. Until it was rumored she was in the hospital wing.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Fred asked.

"Just looking forward to a whole three weeks worth of detention," I said sarcastically while stabbing the pancake in front of me.

"Well at least you'll have it with us," George said enthusiastically, pointing in between him and Fred.

"What did you do to get one month of detention and a messed up face?" Ron asked.

"Wow, that's not rude at all, Ronald," I scoffed.

"Hey, I'm just asking!" Ron said defensively. "And, don't ever call me Ronald."

"Well if you have to know, Ronald," I said, taking a bite of my pancake. "I may or may not have started a fight with Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle."

"First of all, I'm taking your donut now," Ron said while snatching the donut off my plate. "And, wow you inspire me."

"Ron!" Hermione said, slapping his arm.

"Ouch, Hermione!" Ron yelped.

"You're not wrong, Ronniekins," George grinned. "It was awesome seeing Y/n punch Pansy in the stomach!"

"What about Crabbe and Goyle?" Harry asked.

"Oh, well somehow Y/n ended up on his shoulders and she kept punching his big fat head," Fred said dreamily.

"Wow, Y/n! Maybe they won't mess with us ever again after that," Ron said hopefully.

"I don't think so, I think they'll hate me more now," I said, eyeing the Slytherin table to see Draco giving me a glare.

"You're brilliant, Y/n!" Ron said fondly.

"More like hot.." Fred mumbled a little louder than he probably meant to.

"What did you just say?" Harry said through gritted teeth, his protectiveness switch being turned on.

"I said, hot," Fred shrugged.

"I swear to Merlin I-" Harry began angrily.

"I'm gonna go to the greenhouse with Neville," I said, my cheeks a bright red colour.

I grabbed a few slices of toast and made my way from the Great Hall. I didn't see Neville at breakfast so if he wasn't there he was at the greenhouse, probably stressing over the thought of having to see Professor Snape again. When I made my way into the greenhouse there Neville was, fussing over a plant as usual.

"Hey, Nev!" I said, walking closer to the boy.

"Oh hey, Y/n!" He said.

"What plant is that?" I said, pointing at the small sprout in the pot Neville was holding.

"It's a Wiggentree sprout," Neville said proudly.

"I'll have to research that one," I said. "Right now me and Mione are reading Fantastic Beasts and where to Find them."

"I'm not the best with creatures," Neville said while watering the Wiggentree.

"I love magical creatures, especially Hippogriffs and Nifflers," I said fondly.

"Y/n, you usually come here when somethings wrong," Neville said with a frown. "So, what's up?"

"Well, I think I might like Fred.." I said quietly.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊║𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲Where stories live. Discover now