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It's now been 6 months since I've seen my parents. so since I live by myself I going to redecorate the house In a cottage core theme and im going to get me a pet bunny .

The bunny going to be a late birthday gift for myself since all I did on my birthday a month ago was read a book at the park.

I also need to get me some school supplies since I start school next week.

I decided to go to target to get the supplies I need and when I get out of my car to go in the store I see Katy the girl whose been bullying me since Caleb died.

"Oh look who it is killer meadow ,Everybody hide your kids she might kill them!!" Katy says loudly for everybody in target can here .

Everyone in that place was just silent and staring at me

Not hearing the rest of what Katy says I punched her in her face repeatedly and when she black out I got off her
"Yes everybody I'm a freaking killer !! I killed my best friend , heck I might even kill you !!"
I said loudly so everyone can hear .

I kicked Katy one more time then I walked out of target and hurry up and drive off before the cops come .

I drive three hours to nowhere and cry the whole way .
"I freaking hate myself"
"everyone going to think I'm mean"
"What is everyone going to think of me?"
" I k-k-illed my best friend .. I killed him"
" I freaking killed my best friend !!!!"
"I'm a murder nobody will wanna be friend"
I continue driving on the highway like a drunk crazy lady screaming ,crying and swerving cars

I couldn't see anything because I was crying so much that when I swerved into a truck it was already to late .

The car started to jerk off the road when I hit the truck full force and when I was rolling over off the hill I hear my arm pop
To pump on the adrenaline I didn't even feel it but when the car finally stop rolling the pain started to hurt

But hanging upside down in the car with a broken widow ,a broken door , and a jammed seat belt .

Made me think I probably deserve this I probably deserve to die for what I did to Caleb.

Maybe this was meant to happen ,maybe my parents were meant to abandon me , maybe I don't deserve love, maybe dying is the only way out of this miserable life.

I should die in the most hurtful way with a broken arm , broken leg , blood running down my face and a glass stuck in my stomach like how I'm dying now I can feel myself starting to lose consciousness.

Finally I will be free from this cruel world .

The world I didn't even discover yet I never got to travel the world ,never got to get married and have kids , never even made a friend , never got to buy that bunny I wanted , never really even experience how it feels to be 17 .

But it will be fine at least I will get to se-
I couldn't finish my sentence because all I saw was darkness just pitch dark .

It was like I was me but just in a darkroom so I start to walk further through the dark room to see if I could get out .

I kept walking which felt like hours but I never got out of the dark room .

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