Therapy 🌾

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"Today guys we are going to go around and tell everyone your name , what we are here for and a little about yourself , so who wants to go first?" the therapy lady ask

Nobody said anything for a while until she decided to just pick someone random To go first and because of my bad luck she ended up calling on me

"I- um- my name is meadow I'm 17 I just got a cat name oden and I'm here because of my depression."  I say looking at the ground playing with my fingers

When I get done with my introduction  everyone clapped and then the door to the center opens and in walks the man that keeps me up at night in a rehab  uniform for special cases

My breathes hitches when I see him but I was also curious of why he was in rehab

The two rehab workers that were holding both of his arm drops him in the chair right next to me

He didn't look at me he kept his head down but I could see his hands fidgeting like crazy

When everyone went around telling their stories It was now Orion's turn
"Um— mr. Orion could you tell everyone why you are here please" mrs. Kelly the therapist ask him

He just shook his head and since you can't force a patient to do anything she just left it at that and went on with her speech

After she finish her speech she wanted to put us in groups of two to talk about our struggles in life .

I was kinda hoping I would get Orion but I got a dude name Mike , he's talkative , clingy, and touchy .

while we were walking to a table to talk he grabbed my hand and interlock our fingers I wasn't happy with it but I just guess he does that with everyone .

When we sat down he put his hand on my knee
"I was born in Alabama, I'm 20 and I love chocolate" he said winking at me
I guess he thought that was cute but It really wasn't  ,when I started telling him things about me he started to bring his hand upper and upper on my thigh It was making me uncomfortable I kept trying to push his hand off me but he grip my thighs hard which made  me start to cry silently.

I saw a shadow above  me which made me feel better cause now  they could get mike away from me

" get the fuck off of her before I kill you" the man who was behind me said
The person behind me must be a scary dude if mike got scared and walked off to find a new partner
" thank you for helping me " I said lowly to the man

He sat by me and lifted my head up with my chin my eyes got large when I saw it was Orion without even thinking I gave him a big hug and kiss his cheek

But after I realized want i did I stop hugging him and put my head down
"Sorry i didn't mean to do that I just was happy that I got to see you again"

"It's ok little lady I missed you too " he said chuckling
"If you don't mind me asking but why are you here" he asked me
"Um— I  got in a car accident and end up in a coma while I was sleep they found all the old Suicide cuts on my arm and thighs , what about you "

" Im in here because I'm a drug addict " he told me
"I would've never guess that at your shop you looked fine to me" I said leaning  on my hands

"I could say the same for you , you look like your life is perfect " he says

" hell no my life is far from perfect " I say chuckling but instantly stop when I see his stern look
"Don't cuss" he says looking down at me
" sorry da- Orion" I said getting embarrassed of what I was finna say
But before Orion could say anything Mrs Kelly said the meeting was over and we could leave if we was aloud to

"Well  see you later  little lady" he told me getting up to go to the workers who escort him  out
"Bye Orion" I said waving
I was now at home telling Bambi about the mike and Orion situation

She was excited to here about Orion because I've been talking about him for forever but when she heard about mike she wanted to rip his head for sexually harassing me

After I got off the phone with her I fed my cat Oden and then started to write in my journal about Orion

While I was writing I thought about when he gave me that stern look which made me very wet , I kept rubbing my thighs together to release some pressure off of me but It wasn't working

So instead of finishing I just went to sleep frustrated as hell.

Sorry for taking so long and and a bad chapter 🤧

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