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Just finishing dinner, Evelia wiped her mouth with a handkerchief in the back pocket of her ripping ball gown as she went upstairs to her room. She lived in the library and had read and reread almost all of the books that resided on the eight ceiling-high bookshelves. Her dark red bed, a light wood dresser, and an old hardwood rocking chair were the only outsiders in this library bedroom.

Unsure of what to do, Evelia searched her bookshelves, starting at the beginning of the alphabet. She got to the letter W when she realized she had read every single book in her room at least twice. "Dammit. What do I do now?"

Her gaze went to the outside of her bedroom window as it started to snow. Picking up "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare to read for the fourth time, Evelia strutted to her window and sat on her rocking chair, letting Shakespeare and the falling snow take her to another world.


"I'll be back by dusk, Mum," Charlie said as his mom fixed his hair. Despite being twenty-two years old, Charlie's mother still acted like he was her baby.

"Darling, are you sure you want to go out in the snow? You know you get sick easily, and what if you slip and break something? No princess wants to see a prince with a broken ankle," said Charlie's mother, Queen Mayborie Kross of Randerville.

"Mum, I'll be fine," Charlie sighed. He was not enthusiastic about the ball. "Do we have to hold the ball? I don't want to get married just yet."

"Yes, love," answered Queen Mayborie, adjusting Charlie's bowtie. "You know how your father is, just let him hold the ball. If you don't fancy anyone, we can wait for a bit longer. Just have a good spirit about it in front of your father, he's so excited for it."

"Alright alright," Charlie agreed. "I'll keep a good spirit about it. Make sure Cora gets the ball gown she wants. She's been wanting a lavender one."

"I'll make sure she gets the gown. Sometimes you act more like her dad than her brother. That's what I love about you so much, Charles. You care about everyone so much," Queen Mayborie smiled as she tiptoed to kiss Charlie on the cheek. "Now, go along on your stroll, it'll be dusk soon."


On his excursion, Charlie saw a beautiful white castle in the distance. The snow was identical to the color of the walls, the windows being the color of coal, and the small door, the color of chocolate. The door could only fit the smallest person. "I wonder if whoever lives in there could fit through that door," Charlie thought.

A blonde woman came rushing out of the gate with her hands covering her neck. She looked like she was in pain. Charlie stopped the woman. "Are you okay, ma'am?"

The woman looked puzzled at his question. Removing her hand from the wound, Charlie saw that the woman had two bite marks on her neck. Blood always made Charlie squeamish so he briskly looked away.

"I got bit by a snake," the woman responded, addled from Charlie's reaction. "Sir, are you okay?"

Charlie nods his head, still looking away. "Yeah, I'm okay. Blood just makes me queasy, are you okay? Do you need anything for the wound?"

"No, I am going to go home, thank you," replied the woman as she hurried away. Charlie turned back around to make sure the woman had left and gazed at the white castle once again.

His curiosity took the best of him, his legs gradually pacing closer to the miniature gate of the fortress. Charlie raised his knuckle and knocked three times. The gate opened on its own and Charlie, astounded, welcomed himself in.

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