The Meeting

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Authors Note:
This is the same chapter that I posted on my one-shots story. Check out my other stories but I think I'm going to switch between the 3 at the moment.
Enjoy my attempt at this type of story!

Y/N pov:

"Oh come Venom. It's one drink" I said to Vemon. A grumble erupted from inside me as Vemon responded with: "Fine but if something goes wrong, we are leaving". I rolled my eyes at his sudden response and started my journey walking into the famous nightclub, Lux.

"You know, my last host was a lot more cooperative. If we stay, can I at least eat someone's head?" I grimaced at the start of this conversation and sighed in defeat.
"Okay but we need to be discreet about it, I don't need the police coming after me again", I agreed and he huffed in disapproval.

As I reached the stairs of the club, I decided that it would be best if I went straight to the bar and got myself a drink. I need to enjoy this because it wasn't common when I tried to go out and Vemon actually agreed. There was a hot, tanned woman with dark skin and light makeup with a whole suit of leather sticking to her body. 'Damn! I wonder what she would look like naked...' I thought to myself.
"Focus, (Y/N)", Vemon hissed at me.
"Sorry", I mumbled, arriving at the bar.

"Hey", I said to the hot bartender currently cleaning a glass. She turned in my direction and leaned over the bar, a sadistic smirk played on her face.
"What can I get for ya?", she asked for me. I smile back and told her the alcoholic beverage I preferred. She placed the drink in front of me a couple of seconds later and I grabbed it, taking a small sip.
"I'm Mazikeen. You can call me Maze", she said placing a hand in front of me to shake. I gladly shook it and replied: "I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you". I smiled at her and she smiled back before going off and serving another person at the club.

"This is boringggg" Venom said. I giggled at his response slightly and looked at Maze to see her staring and checking me out. We shared a few glances but I turned back to the bar and noticed a tall, broad-shouldered man in a tux staring at me like I was some kind of piece of meat. I needed to take my mind off of some things so I got Maze's attention and ordered another drink. A few moments later, I heard a man come up behind me and ordered a bourbon. I looked up and saw that it was the same man broad-shouldered man that was staring at me before.

"The name is Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar", he said with a contagious smirk on his face as he held out his hand to shake.
"I'm (Y/N)", I said smiling back at him. Shaking his hand with my own, we quickly started a conversation.
"So what are you doing here at Lux? I don't think I've ever seen you before", he asked me. I laughed at his question nervously before answer it.
"Well... I heard the drinks are great here and I suppose I just needed a change of scenery" I responded, shrugging at the end of it. He looked at me curiously and I felt a shiver run through my spine, which was odd because with Vemon I usually felt safe around anyone but with Lucifer?
"Something is wrong. About him? His scent is off. We need to go!" he said and the worried tone in his voice made me shiver again. I must have zoned out because Lucifer was now waving an empty hand in my face, trying to get my unfocused attention.

"Are you okay? You zoned out there for a second", he asked, concern laced in his voice.
"Yeah fine. I should go" I said, pointing in the direction of the exit and standing up from the barstool. He stopped me with a hand grabbing my arm and whizzed me around so I was facing him.
"But you just got here. Why suddenly go now?", he asked, generally confused.
"We need to go. I'm getting antsy and you know what happened last time", Venom said, laughing at the memory. He was right because last time, he bit the head off a guy for looking at me the wrong way. That's why we moved away from the UK in the first place.

'Oh no. I zoned out again' I thought to myself.
"(Y/N)?", Lucifer asked looking at me as if I had a third head, eyebrows furrowed creating a v at the centre of his head. I pulled my arm out of his grip and looked him in eye.
"I'm fine. I should really go" I said as I headed quickly to the exit, already feeling myself hyperventilating. A must-have tried to leave a little too quickly... Nearly tripping up the stairs on the way out.

As I reached outside of the club, I gained back control of my breathing and the panic attack died down.
"What the hell was that Vemon? What do you mean by 'his scent is off?", I asked him basically talking to myself. I heard him huff before he spoke up.
"I mean his scent was off! Kind of like he was... I don't know, not human?" he explained, confusing me even more in the process. I pulled a face as I thought about the 'not human' part.
"What do you mean by 'not human'?". I felt him sigh in frustration and he didn't respond after that. He was either ignoring me or he fell asleep.

Walking in the back alleys of the main streets to get home quicker, I heard men arguing. One of them noticed me as I tried to sneak past them.
"Hey, bitch" he shouted and I grimaced at the name-calling. I turned to see he wasn't that far away from me. Drunk. Rolling my eyes, I shoved past him but he grabbed my arm before I could leave the area. He pulled me close to him and whispered something in my ear that came out as a slobber. Definitely drunk. Before I could say anything back, a man's voice was heard from behind me.

Turning around I saw Lucifer but this time his eyes weren't the soft brown they usually were. These soft, brown eyes were replaced with angry, crimson ones.
"Now that's no way to speak to a lady, even though it didn't make sense to anyone here," he said laughing at his own joke. He was the only one laughing. He frowned slightly and replied with: "Now run along before I have to kick you in that direction" Lucifer said while waving a hand around and waiting for the guy to move. The man that held my arm scoffed and stood in front of me.
"Come on then asshole. Let's see what you got" he said towards Lucifer and balled his hands up into fists. Lucifer just laughed, grabbing and flinging him into the wall, leaving a dint where the man had landed.

I stood there my jaw dropped and eyes as wide as saucers as I started at the fight. The man put his hands up, surrendering and now, begging for mercy.
"Please, please don't kill me", he said as he curled up into a ball, his big hands covering his dirty face.
Lucifer laughed as a response and walked in my direction. His eyes now turned back to the soft brown they were before, he gently took my wrist, pulling me out towards the open street.
"This is getting interesting" Venom spoke up starling me in the process and Lucifer gave me a confused gaze. I mentally scolded myself for basically jumping at my own consciousness and reassured him with a small smile.

Before I was able to say anything, he looked at me curiously and asked: "What are you?". Red lights flashed in my head as I panicked on the inside but somehow maintained to keep straight face.

"GET OUT OF THERE BEFORE YOU BLOW OUR COVER!", he shouted at me inside my head, making me double over at the pain in my abdomen, clutching my head with one hand and holding my stomach with the other.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" Lucifer shouted, trying to get my attention as he placed a hand and rubbed the bottom of my back.

That must of been when I passed out...

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