Brunch with a partner

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You: Hey, it's (Y/N). You were going to text me the details for the job?

Lucifer: Well what's the rush darling? It's a Saturday after all

You: Details!

Lucifer: Fine.
Lucifer: Meet me outside of Los Angeles Police Department. I can show you around and I can introduce you to Detective Decker properly ;)

"This guy needs to keep it in his pants," Venom said making me laugh. As another text came through on my phone, I looked down to see another message from Lucifer.

Lucifer: Fancy going out for brunch, darling?

I sighed thinking about the answer. 'Why not?'

You: Fine, I'm not busy anyway

Lucifer: Delightful. Meet me at Benny's cafè. I will be waiting for you x

Putting my phone down on the coffee table in front of me, I got up and hopped in the shower. The water ran down the curves of my back as I put the heat on full blast, making my skin go a bright red. My muscles relaxed and the heat was powerful on my exposed skin. When I was done, I wrapped a fluffy towel around my body, heading to the closet for some clean clothes. I picked out a soft, white jumper with some blue ripped jeans and tied my hair up into a ponytail, leaving a strand to hang down my face and shape it slightly. I walked over to the mirror and gave myself a once over when I heard Venom say: "Cute". I giggled at his comment and grabbed the stuff I needed, heading out of the door and locking it behind me. 

When I arrived at the cafe, I got off my bike and opened the glass door in front of me, immediately seeing Lucifer with his devious smirk and signature suit on. He was leaning back in the booth he was sitting in, carefully sipping on what I guess to his facial expression, a very hot coffee. He placed it back down on the vintage table in front of him like before and when he looked in my direction, his smile softened from a mischievous smirk to a small relaxed smile. 

"Ahh, there you are", he said as I sat down opposite him, placing my phone and keys on the table and my bike helmet next to me on the booth chair. 
"A biker I see?" he said, his smirk deepening by the second when he saw me place the helmet by my side. I shrugged, not completely sure how to give an answer. 

"Just a hobby. Helps clear my head and it's kinda relaxing than most other things," I said back. He hummed in consideration, reaching for his coffee again. A waiter headed in our direction with a cup on the tray he had in his hand and proceeded to place the mug on our table. I gave a confused look to the waiter who just smiled back and turned to greet more customers that had just arrived at the door. I look to Lucifer to see him giggling to himself at my expression. He pushed the cup towards me and said: "I got you a coffee. (Milk/No milk) with (sugar/no sugar), just like you like it". I gave him a soft smile averting my eyes from his and ignoring the sudden butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. I killed off the odd awkward silence by removing the centre of attention from myself.

"What about you? Don't you own that club not far from here?" I ask, taking a small sip off the scolding coffee before placing it back down onto the table.
"Ahh, yes. Lux! The finest establishment in LA!", he explained with one of those shit-eating grins' of his. "You should come along. Looks like you could do with some fun." I huffed at his response and he laughed back. 
"What about the Precinct? How are you getting me a job?" I asked, showing my curiosity off more than I wanted to. 
"Ahh right, the job," he sounded uncertain of himself and my raised eyebrow must have caused his next reaction. I nervously laughed and now I was officially confused...
"Don't worry about it. Just meet me in the Precinct parking lot and I can show you around from there," waving a hand in front of his own face, dismissively. I just nodded and took another sip of the coffee in front of me, dissolving in the warmth it spread through my hands. 

"This Lucifer guy is soo boring. Make up an excuse already!" Vemon said through his audible gritted teeth. I internally rolled my eyes at his impatience. Pretending to check the time on my phone, I said: "Shit. I'm so sorry. I gotta go", making the excuse that I needed to be somewhere. I couldn't have gotten out of that diner faster. I could feel as he practically burned holes into the back of my head. I sighed, running a hand over my face once I was outside and out of sight from the Devil himself, not that I believed him. 

"Well, that was embarrassing...", he said. 

"Hey asshole, you told me to get out so I did. What do you want to do?" I asked curiously as to what his answer could be. 
"Eat people. I'm hungry as always. You know that..." I laughed at his reply. 
"Fine but we wait until it's dark so no one can see us," I said, half scolding Venom, half scolding myself to make sure to maintain that I was in full control just in case. I know what Venoms is like. Impulsive, ignorant, and most likely won't take not eating people as an answer. 

I headed home and put on some Tv for a bit before once again, getting ready to go out. The only thing I took with me was my keys as I wouldn't be in danger with Venom's protection. 

"So where are we buffeting first?" I asked as I walked down the dimly lit street, twirling the keys around in my fingers before placing them in my pocket and zipping it after what was about to happen. 

"Let me show you, Ignorant". I could hear the smirk in his voice as he said that statement. Before I could comprehend what was happening I was shot up into the air and clasping onto the side of a building, Venom's hand covering my own. 

"You always have been a show-off," I laughed with a cheeky grin on my face. 

"You do realise I can drop you," he said and I immediately went quiet, my mouth turning into a straight line and scowling as I heard Vemon giggle. Once we reached the top of the building, I sighed, feeling the refreshing breeze hit my lukewarm face. I would never get used to the feeling of a cold breeze. It was a beautiful view from where I was standing. 

I could see most of the city from the tall building we stood on and the lights that shone from city fascinated me. I sighed, trying to enjoy the silence while it lasted however it didn't last very long. 

"Well, who are we going to eat today?" Venom asked as I mentally scowled myself for even agreeing to it in the first place. 

"Let's just see if we can find anyone worthy enough to have a sufferable death," I explained. Never in the future would I have thought that I could have said that with a straight face, nevermind seriously. I heard Venom huff angrily and I rolled my eyes at him. As I walked to the edge of the building and looked down, we were actually quite high. Vemon leaped towards the next building over and when I heard shouting, Vemon responded and immediately went in the direction of the sound. When it grew as loud as it could, I looked down into the alleyway next to the building I was currently on and saw a woman trying to fight off her attacker off. Vemon being way too eager to kill this guy and eat him already, took over and jumped down into the alley, in front of the attacker before he grew closer to the civilian. 

"What the fuck are you?" The attacker asked in fear as he scrambled backward. A snarl came from Vemon and his cracked, horrifying voice came soon after: "I am Venom and this is Ignorant. Say hi," as he peeled off half of the goo revealing a part of my face, making sure that my identity was still hidden. The guy might as well have pissed himself. He started crying and tripped in the alley, not that far from where we were standing. Venom jumped over him before he could move and landed in front of him again, blocking the exit, making him whimper in terror. He picked the guy up by his shirt collar, pulling out his slithery tongue and licking one side of his face as he left a trail of saliva. 

I cringed for the poor guy. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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