when you meet

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As the bitter, golden liquid burnt down your throat you listened as you brothers were bickering about the latest doppelgänger, you tried to ignore them but they were getting closer and their argument was getting louder "sorry about them they don't have any manners." Elena was sitting close by and giggled at your remark but as the two boys walked in her smile slowly faded, they were surprised when they saw Elena sitting across from me but Damon's expression changed to angry "Elena... You will not hand yourself over to klaus! Are you stupid?" You winced at his bitter words but stood up "Damon!" you shouted at him, he looked over at you and narrowed his eyes "why are you defending her?" you look over to Stefan to seek comfort but he had a stern look on his face "We had a plan..." his voice was loud and clear which made you all the more scared, you walked over to him and stood your ground "well so do we." He raised a hand and it made contact with your face, for a moment time froze and all you could see was your father standing in front of you but you were brought back to reality when you felt the sharp sting of the hit, tears began to form in your eyes as you stared at the ground not daring to look up at your brother "Y/N, i'm so-" Damon had immediately regretted what he had done but you cut him off when you suddenly used your supernatural speed to run out of the house and into the forest where you sank to the ground with your back against a tree.

flashback to 1684

You had been running through the fields with your brothers, the sweet smell of pollen was filling your nose and you squealed as both the boys were catching up to you. You were quickly hoisted up into the air by your waist and you kicked your legs around to beak from your brother's grasp "let me go!" You giggled as you were carried back through the fields to your house where an angry Giuseppe was waiting for you, he had never liked you as your mother had an affair with one of the towns men and got pregnant with you, ever since your mother died he spat curses at you and beat you for your mother was no longer around to defend you.

As you walked through the front door your nerves started to get the better of you and you trembled at the thought of what Giuseppe would do to you. You rounded to corner of the house to be met with his office, you walked over to his with your hands behind your back, he stood from his chair and slapped you across the face you had closed your eyes to make the pain bearable, you turned and silently walked to your room not noticing the new woman who had come to Mystic Falls.

The next day when you awoke again the maid did up the corset of your dress as you looked at yourself in the mirror, you had been underweight due to not being fed enough and your body was frail and small, you were done being dressed and you walked downstairs your hair bouncing as you walked and when you reached the bottom floor you saw a young woman, she looked perfectly dressed and made up which made you feel insecure compared to her but you walked over to her and stood next to her, she was watching your brothers with a mischievous smirk on her face "are one of my brothers to be your suitor?" you asked her to which she turned to look at you "your brothers?" you nodded "yes, i'm Y/N Salvatore." you watched as your brothers played with a ball in the garden "i'm katherine pierce." you exchanged in small talk before going outside to stroll through the forest, you enjoyed nature and how beautiful it was.

You slowly walked down the dirt path that was surrounded by greenery and foliage, you heard leaves rustling as if an animal had been in the, it made you turn around and yet you didn't see a single animal in sight. It was when you turned back around that you saw a man standing right in front of you "oh my!" you gasped "i'm terribly sorry you startled me." The man had blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes that you could get lost in forever, they reminded you of the ocean; so beautiful yet so mysterious, he had soft facial features which made him incredibly handsome "i'm terribly sorry miss, i did not mean to frighten you." He had a smirk plastered on his pink lips "what brings you out here? I know almost everyone in Mystic falls yet your face is unfamiliar." you saw playfulness flash in his eyes as you said that "My family and I are just visiting." You were enchanted by this man yet you didn't know him at all "this forest is truly spectacular isn't it?" he asked you to which you nodded and smile "say, what is your name miss?"
"Y/N, Salvatore." he picked up your hand and kissed the top of your knuckles gently "i am Niklaus, but you can call me whatever you like." he smiled at you which brought the blood to your cheeks, you looked up at the sky which had began to darken and Giuseppe flashed in your mind "I should return home." He nodded and you turned to walk back home.

Over the course of a week you had watched your brothers obsess over Katherine while you spent the least amount of time at home. You were in a field with an easel and canvas painting a picture, nobody had known about your love of art as you tried to hide it but you would escape your dull home to let your creativity flow onto the fabric. You had been so enveloped in your painting that you didn't realise a familiar man watching you "your art is quite magnificent." you turned to see Niklaus admiring your picture "i am a lover of art myself." he walked over to you and took a canvas, quickly guiding a brush along the fabric delicately. You watched as his paintbrush left a trail of colour behind it and soon enough you could see the painting clearly, it was a portrait of you which made your cheeks warm up and go a bright pink colour "wow." you stared in awe at how he had managed to make such art in this short amount of time.

You had developed feelings for Niklaus and spent more time with him, going into the forest and losing track of time listening to stories of the places he's visited, you had opened up to him about how Giuseppe would treat you. What you couldn't see was Niklaus' anger as he heard what had happened to you and he did not know why he was feeling this way.

There was one faithful day where your brothers had been with Katherine when you heard muffled screams coming from Stefan's room, you ran in and saw Giuseppe with Katherine in his arms, unconscious. You followed Stefan and Damon as they screamed and shouted while Katherine was taken by a cart, you lost sight of your brothers in an angry mob and you screamed for them but it was no use. You were grabbed by someone, they pulled out a syringe and injected you with something. You had expected something to happen but you didn't feel anything, suddenly you didn't see the man anymore but you heard his screams. You followed them to see, your friend, the man you had gone fond of... biting into his neck... Your heart began to speed up and fear flooded through your veins, Niklaus looked up at you and immediately noticed how scared you were. He appeared in front of you and began to talk "you will forget about me, you will forget anything happened, you were just out for a stroll." You repressed his words before turning around and walking away.

You woke up to the sun shunting through your windows and you got dressed, the maid hadn't come today but you didn't mind as you much preferred dressing yourself. You walked downstairs and saw no sign of Giuseppe or your brothers, you walked into Giuseppe's office to see him lying in a pool of his own blood, his lifeless body was enough to make you feel light headed and tears threatened to spill from your eyes, even though he beat you mercilessly you still saw him as a father to you and to see him deceased on the floor made tears steam from your eyes. You ran out of the room with a hand over your mouth and realised you didn't know where your brothers were so you ran throughout the house shouting their names, you ran out the front door of your home and shouted for them. You turned to see Stefan standing next to you and you wrapped your arms around his neck "oh thank god you're ok!" You felt relieved but that came to a halt when you screamed out in pain, Stefan sank his teeth into your neck and began to drain you fo blood. Your body lay almost dead on the floor, Stefan had managed to stop himself and was leaning against the house crying. Damon appeared next to his sisters body and his heart ached, he bit into his wrist and fed her his blood to which she drank without being conscious to make the decision, he decided to turn her to which he swiftly snapped her neck.

End of flashback

Your eyes fluttered open and you looked around to see the nightmare was over, you heard a twig snap behind you making you leap up from the ground and turn to the noise. You saw a man with blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes standing before you shocked "Y/N? It can't be..." You furrowed your eyebrows at the stranger "Sorry but i don't know who you are sir." She turned and sped home feeling confused why did i feel as if i knew him?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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