Milk and cookies

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"EDDIE BEAR?" Sonia called

"Yeah mom?" Eddie yelled while running downstairs, his outfit consisted of a yellow shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Could you go to the store and get your poor old mother some cookies?" Sonia practically whined, eddie hated her whining voice. It made him sweat bullets and his nostrils immediately flared.

"Yes mom of course" Eddie kissed his Mom's cheek. Eddie hated the smell of her perfume, he hated everything about his mom. But at the same time his heart ached for love and attention, so he grabbed money, put his shoes on, and walked out the door.  The cool autumn breeze hit his freckled skin. walking past houses of all sizes and shapes, he quickly stopped in-front of the apartments. His best friend used to Beverly live there, he took a deep breathe and kept walking into town. His shoes scrapping the concrete with every step, the little bell rang when he walked in. He walked straight to the cookie section and picked out a box of chips ahoy. He looked at it and smiles weakly, "ahoy mate" he mumbled quietly, a small chuckle escaped his lips. Walking to the milk section he bumped into a familiar face.

"Oh sorry" Eddie said quietly, he looked up and immediately flushed a lightly pink.

"Don't worry about it kiddo" the curly haired boy said, bringing the cigarette up to his lips and exhaling the smoke into the air. Eddie coughed and stared at him, he looked so familiar his face and his calloused fingers. Eddie looked at him and immediately knew, he was talking to Derry's heart throb Richie Tozier

"I am not a child!" Eddie squealed, Richie chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Yeah whatever" Richie said, and with that Richie walked out of the store. The bell rang faintly and Eddie breathed in. He smiled at the smell, 'I could get used to that smell' he thought to himself, Eddie bought the cookies and milk.

"Is that all?" The cashier asked

"One pack of Camels please" Eddie said while staring at the cigarettes.

"Okay, your total is $8.34" the cashier threw everything into a bag and gave him change.

"Thanks" Eddie walked out and quickly ran to an alley way, he read a sign.


"Okay let's give this a try" Eddie said while lighting a cigarette. He brought it to his lips and inhaled, grabbing his chest he coughed.

"Holy shit!" Eddie managed to get out, he dropped the cigarette and spit. Going down to grab the cigarette Eddies hand met another's. Looking up Eddie flushed a bright red.

"Hey kiddo" Richie said with a smile.

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