September smoke

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Richie stood up and handed him the cigarette. He sat on a crate and patted his knee. Eddie cocked his head and looked at him. Richie showed him the cigarette.

"I'm gonna show you how to do it, take a seat." Richie said while patting his knee once again. Eddie simply nodded and sat on his leg. Richie smiled and pulled him into his lap.

"Don't take so much smoke in, here like this." Richie took a long drag and blew it out. Eddie grabbed the cigarette aggressively and took a drag only to cough it up. Richie simply chuckled and did it again to show him. Eddie took the cigarette and smoked it without coughing. A huge stupid grin filled his face, his cheeks went pink and he did it again.

"Yeah! That's it kiddo nice job!" Richie said while fixing his coke bottle glasses.

"Don't call me that" Eddie said with a small pout.

"Okay then how about Ed's?" Richie said while pulling him closer. Eddie shook his head no, this gave Richie an opportunity he couldn't pass.

"Okay Eddie Spaghetti" Richie chuckled and positioned Eddie so he was fully on his lap. Eddie smiled, but his smile soon faded. Richie doesn't like him, it's just his trap. He's a player, he's in it for his pleasure not yours. Eddie cleared his throat, it felt like a wine cork was stuck in his upper chest.

"Yo rich! Your late again!" Patrick said while putting his drum sticks into his pocket. Patrick looked at Eddie and smiled.

"Who is this little fella?" Patrick said while ruffling his hair. Eddie scoffed and looked up at him, Patrick smiled down at him.

"This is Eddie spaghetti, he's a good friend of mine." Richie said while pulling his as close as he possibly can.

"Well Eddie spaghetti, I'm gonna have to take Richie for a while. Practice needs him, no lead guitarist no band." Patrick shrugged and walked back inside.

"Well Ed's I got to go, uh here" Richie set him down and reached into his pocket. He handed him a ticket to there show tomorrow night. Eddie took it and looked up at him. Richie ruffled his hair and chuckled.

"See you later Eddie spaghetti" Richie said while walking back into the building. Eddies face was a cotton candy pink and his hair was a mess. He ran his hands through it and held the ticket tight. He looked at his watch.

"HOLY SHIT!" Eddie grabbed the bag of cookies and milk, put the ticket in his pocket and sprinted home, he had the pack of cigarettes rolled into his sleeve, Richie told him they would be easier to carry that way. Opening the screen door he quickly got a plate of cookies and milk together for his mom.

"Here mom" Eddie set three plate down, his mom smiles and patted his arm.

"Thanks Eddie bear, what's in your sleeve?" Eddies mom unrolled his sleeve and the cigarettes fell out onto the hard wood floor. Eddies heart skipped a beat and his quickly kicked them across the floor.

"It's nothing mom, it's just a- uh- pack of candy cigarettes, they were on sale." Eddie picked them up and shoved them into his pocket quickly.

"Okay, remember to take your pills tomorrow! I'll be at work till 7:30, if you need me call the office." Eddies mom went back to watching TV, Eddie smiled weakly and ran upstairs. The old wooden staircase creaking beneath his very little weight. Running up into his room, he fell onto his bed.

"Richie, Richie Tozier" he whispered softly, a smile spread over his face.

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