Seat A5

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Walking through a cluster of screaming teen girls Eddie made his way to the front, seat A5 he sat down and looked around. His heart beat anxiously for Richies appearance and made him sweat profoundly.
Eddie wiped his forehead and felt a hand grab his shoulder. He whipped his head around and a pair of green eyes met his.

"Eddie?" Beverly asked in a gentle tone, she always had a comforting side Eddie loved.

"Bev?!" Eddie said in a confused tone, Beverly sat down next to him and lit a cigarette.

"Yup that's me Ed's" Beverly chuckled and pushed her short hair out of her face, Eddie nuzzled his eyebrows and looked at her.

"You cut your hair?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, it brought back bad memories of my dad and stuff, so a week ago I grabbed my scissors and cut it all off." She said while blowing smoke out of her nostrils. Eddie nodded and noticed the lights were turning off.

"Now welcome the NIGHTFALLS!" A teen with curly dark blonde hair said, he wore jeans and a button up shirt. Eddie stared at him and realized who he was.

"Stan?" Eddie said quietly, Stanley was one of his best friends in grade school, Beverly was the only one who stuck around out of the 8 of them: Stanley Uris (Stan the man), Beverly Marsh (Bev), Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom (Haystack), Mike Hanlon, and.....

Eddie thought long and hard about the last person, racking his brain with the correct name. He remembered glasses with thick lenses and accents, tons and tons of accents. Eddie bit his lip and tried to figure it out.

"You good Eddie?" Beverly asked

"Yeah, just nervous it's my first concert" Eddie blushes slightly and picked at the skin on his lips, Beverly smiled and blew smoke into the air.

"No need to be nervous, I'm here and Bill is coming soon, we will protect you if any crazy band member tries to kill you." Beverly giggled and watched Richie walk onto the stage.

Richie strummed the strings of his Guitar loudly, the room filled with noise. Eddie jumped and looked up, mumbling under his breathe he realized who the eight person was.

Richie... Richie Tozier, Trash-mouth? Eddie questioned and looked into his eyes, he cocked a smile and looked at him. Richie smiled and started to play the first song.

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