One shitty night

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The soft cotton fills Eddies body with warmth. He smiles and slips on his jeans. Puts on his socks and ties his converse. This was Eddies first concert and he was more than excited, he's was ecstatic. Picking up the phone, Eddie dialed Richies number. He carefully pushed the numbers as his finger ran across the page. He bit his lip anxiously, tearing little pieces of skin off.

"Hello?" Wentworth Tozier (Richies dad) said in a harsh tone.

"Hi, is uh Richie there?" Eddie bite his lip harder causing it to bleed slightly.

"Richard! Your friend is on the phone!" Wentworth handed Richie the phone and sat down.

"Hello?" Richie asked in a flustered tone.

"Hey, it's in Eddie" Eddie whined slightly, not aware he was doing it. Richie smirked and ran his hand through his hair.

"Hey Eddie spaghetti" Richie chuckled and tapped his foot against the wood floor.

"What time is your concert tonight?" Eddie was now licking the blood off his lips.

"Six thirty" Richie lied, it was actually at eight but he wanted Eddies company. Eddie nodded, and realized Richie couldn't see him.

"I- Okay" Eddie said in a flustered tone, Eddie was bright red. Why was he bright red? Eddie didn't know, it was a special little thing Richie could do. He could make any girl or guy swoon over him any day of the week.

"Bye Eddie" Richie hung up the phone and quickly ran upstairs. He opened his bedroom door and stared at his bed. A girl with dirty blonde hair slept peacefully in his T-shirt. Walking over to his desk careful not to wake her up he got out a wooden box. Opening the box he looked over his shoulder. She was still asleep. He took the white substance out of the small bag and put it in his desk, taking a credit card he made three lines. Grabbing a straw from his coca-cola, he cut it in half and snorted the powder in lines, he sniffled it up, the sensation gave Richie a euphoric feeling that he craved for every moment of the day. He looked over her shoulder and saw she was waking up. Quickly he put the box away and spun his chair around.

"Good morning sunshine" Richie said with a small smirk.

"Morning" her accent slightly peeking through her words. She sat up and rubbed her forehead, he smiled at her. "What the fuck happened last night" she said with a pounding headache.

"Couldn't tell you, it's all a blur" Richie said while putting a Pink Floyd T -shirt on. He wiped his nose and stood up. Ripping the covers off her, he threw her clothes at her and opened his bedroom door.

"Bye bye" he waved and made a leaving motion.

"Rich, can we at least cuddle? Or go out for breakfast?" The blonde quickly put her clothes on, only to get a door slammed in her face. Richie laid down and smelled the sheets.

"Smells like a shitty night" he said while rolling onto his back. He stared at his ceiling that had a playboy poster taped to it. He sighed and unbuttoned his pants, unzipping them he shot his head back. Staring at the poster he quickly thought of Eddie then stopped. He Shook the image out of his head and continued. But the image of Eddie couldn't stop re- appearing, Richie growled in anger and buttoned up his pants again.

"This fucker stopped my hard on!" Richie said while standing up, he lit a cigarette and turned up his music as loud as it could possibly go. Richie was distracting himself from his feeling. The feeling of having a crush.

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