Freshman Year

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Hugo POV

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" I woke up to my 12 year old sister's voice, "LAST ONE DOWNSTAIRS WONT GET THE PANCAKES!" she shouted. I grunted, she was interrupting my sleep again! That's when I realized oh crap it's the first day of freshman year. "YO WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Emma exclaimed. I snapped back to reality, and ran out of my bed to get ready for school.

I'm transferring to Collège Françoise Dupont. Maman and Papa went there for high school together with aunt Alya and uncle Nino.

I hate transferring schools, but maman said it's a good opportunity for me to meet and socialize with new people.

I dressed up and brushed my bluebell hair, then hurried downstairs. I smelt that sweet smell of morning pancakes, but I wasn't hungry, I was more of scared. I'm gonna be in high school! freaking high school!! I mean I'm excited for the new topics but socializing with new people? na uh.

I saw papa, he was wearing an apron while flipping some of his world famous pancakes and my sister jumping up and down, as she held a plate and watched my father cook the pancakes.

"Hugo you're finally up! here's your pancake, the syrup is on the table." papa said as he placed the pancake on my plate. "Merci papa" I said nervously. "Buddy what's up? you sound like you're gonna faint!" dad asked, I can tell he was concerned but he was preoccupied with my sister.

"Nothing papa I'm just-" I was interrupted by my maman, she was all dressed up ready for work, she had her long bluebell hair like mine tied up in a bun, and she wore long sleeves and square pants and "nervous to meet new people but excited for the new lessons? she asked, I nodded and sighed sadly, maman always read my mind.

"Hey bud! that's not the spirit! cheer up I made some of my world famous pancake, and I'm gonna drive you to school today with your maman" Papa said reassuringly. I smiled at my father as he finished cooking the pancakes

boyy I'm so lucky to have such great parents. They always find ways to somehow cheer me up. "Chaton! you should get dressed already, well unless you'd want to wear that to work." maman smirked at my father. "Gladly, I'd love everyone to know that I cook meowtastic breakfasts!"  papa joked back. "It's 6:15 already Adrien! hurry up or else we'll be late!" mama said as she opened her phone.

"oh shoot! I'll get dressed. Y'know m'lady I'm starting to act like high school you." he winked then kissed my mom. "EWW!!" my five year old brother shouted in disgust. "KEEP IT PG PEOPLE! KEEP IT PG!" my sister said as she covered my little brother's eyes.

My parents were no doubt in love, I mean c'mon they were high school best friends to college sweethearts, and not to mention they were our city's protectors, Ladybug and Chat Noir. However their lovey dovey nicknames disgust me at least I know for a fact that they really loved each other.

My parents chuckled then my father ran upstairs to get changed. "Hugo, I'm sure you're gonna do alright." maman said as she sat down on a chair. "Actually during my first day to high school, I was exactly like you. I was scared of the unknown, but I just went through the day. I even met life long friends on my first day!" "but maman what if I mess up or something?" I nervously asked. "Don't worry too much about it sweetheart! Believe in yourself you can do this"

My mom was right I should stop worrying. I thanked my mom and began eating my pancakes. "Maman" Emma sighed. "What's up dear?" mother replied. "It's Clinton! he keeps calling me Emmakins ugh and not to mention he keeps asking me to be his girlfriend" my sister said in annoyance. "Of course, the usual, I turn him down on a daily basis. He's very much a pain in the ass." "Emma! where did you learn that language!" mother interrupted. "Uhhh sorry maman. Clinton won't leave me alone that's why."

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