Everyone Has A Story

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(Since it hasn't been really explained yet, I'm just going to pretend that Izuku's dad is essentially dead. I'm too lazy to explain why he wouldn't be contacted somehow)

The days in the detention center flew by in a blur of tears and anger. He couldn't go home, not only because he'd been arrested for a violent crime, but also because there was no adult or guardian to take care of him. As far as he knew, the only people that might want to see him were Mina and a slim chance of Bakugo, but neither of them knew he'd been arrested so he got no visitors.

He wondered if Mina would be at the hearing. She was very directly involved, but the police had already gotten her testimony. It would probably be better if she never knew; an aspiring hero had no business feeling bitter towards the law.

Because of his situation, his case was given priority, and the trial was only four days after the event. He'd already been there for three, so that meant it was tomorrow. He finally got a visitor, but it wasn't someone that wanted to check on him. It was the policeman that had been on the scene and arrested him. His name was officer Rin. Izuku was relieved to find that he hold a grudge against the man. His problem was with the system, not the individuals.

"I tried to change it, but I couldn't," Rin said, looking beyond frustrated. "The judge they gave you has a reputation for being unforgiving to unlicensed heroism, though he's never convicted a child. Your age is your best shot, but I can't believe they assigned him to this case. He usually doesn't do juvenile cases at all."

He was nearly tearing his hair out. "That's okay," Izuku said. "Having something like this on my record isn't as bad for my job prospects as being quirkless."

The man sighed, hanging his head. "Even Kurata is getting a more forgiving judge," he growled. Izuku vaguely remembered being told that was the name of the man who'd attacked Mina and killed his mom. "His trial is in another week."

Izuku couldn't really bring himself to care, though he did appreciate how much the officer cared about what happened to him. All he'd ever wanted to do was be a hero, and that dream had been shattered. He didn't want it anymore, and he wouldn't be able to reach it if he tried; most hero schools strictly rejected anyone who had already been arrested, especially if it was a violent crime. Something like assaulting a civilian, for example.

Officer Rin left, and Izuku went back into his room—his cell—which he'd hardly left but to eat. Some of the kids in there were obviously the type to try to pick on him; many of them were there for going overboard doing exactly that. The dead look in his eyes scared them away before they tried.

At least tomorrow the ordeal would be over.

*                *                *

As soon as Izuku walked into the room, he knew how it was going to go. The judge's glare told him he had some sort of vendetta against vigilantes and anyone else that thought they were a hero without getting there legally. He wondered absently what had happened to the man to make him feel that way.

He heard his name, and he tuned in to what was being said. "Izuku Midoriya, is it true that you attacked Keiichi Kurata unprovoked?"

"What is the current legal definition of provocation?" he asked.

The judgement in the man's eyes faded just a bit at his professionalism. "Was it in self defense?" he asked.

"No. It was in the defense of someone else. I was never attacked," he said simply.

The judge nodded. "You are found guilty of assaulting a citizen. Did the victim ever ask you for your help?"

Izuku shook his head. "No, your honor."

A Hero's Dirty Work (Villain Deku / Vigilante Deku au)Where stories live. Discover now