Quirk Analysis

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The class hesitated for a moment before slowly migrating back to the classroom and grabbing the handouts Mr. Aizawa had mentioned. Michi found he enjoyed the company of most of the students in the class, even Bakugo (for sentimental reasons, not for his personality).

Kirishima's enthusiasm had a way of inspiring the people around him, and talking to him helped even Michi's ridiculously heavy burdens feel lighter. It was just so much easier to be optimistic about life with Kirishima around. Kaminari was hilarious, and his humor had just the right amount of stupid that it sometimes worried his fellow classmates, which just made Michi laugh harder.

It had been a long time since he'd laughed.

He saw Kaminari keep sneaking glances over at the earphone jack girl, Jiro, and he grinned. Time to be a bro. Jiro and Mina were talking together with the frog girl, Tsuyu, and the invisible girl, Toru. He ran over with a wave and a grin, motioning for Kaminari and Kirishima to follow.

"Hey, we haven't really met officially," he said, introducing himself. "I'm Michi Hamasaki. What are your names?" He nodded as the girls introduced themselves, even though he already knew all of them. He'd already called Mina by name, but she still introduced herself when she saw Kaminari and Kirishima come up behind him.

The two other boys introduced themselves when they arrived, and Michi saw the same confusing interaction between Kaminari and Jiro. Surprisingly, Kirishima and Mina also seemed to know each other.

"So, Jiro," he started. "Do you and Kaminari know each other? You keep laughing whenever you look at him." She raised her eyebrows innocently, then immediately ruined the effect when she glanced at Kaminari and started to laugh again. "What's she laughing at, Denki?" Michi asked, turning to him. He groaned.

"If I overuse my Electrification quirk, it short-circuits my brain," he finally admitted. "We met in the entrance exam, and I went overboard right in front of her. She's laughing because last time she saw me, I was a gibbering mess with no working braincells."

"Whoa, dude, that sounds kind of dangerous." Michi paused. "But also kind of hilarious," he admitted. "I'm pretty good with quirk analysis, we should get together sometime and figure out how to get around it."

Now, he knew that was trying to avoid reminding certain classmates of Izuku, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed like that was the only way to get back at All For One. He was explicitly banned from trying to harm the League in any way, but he had no instructions regarding how he was supposed to behave. All For One had told him to make his appearance unrecognizable from Izuku, but he never said anything about behavior.

He definitely wasn't going to act exactly like he used to, though. That would just be humiliating.

"What about Mina and Kirishima? You guys seem kind of familiar with each other," Michi said, shaking himself out of his thoughts.

"We went to the same middle school," Mina admitted with a sneaky grin at Kirishima. He blushed faintly.

"Hold up, you said you're good with quirk analysis?" Kaminari asked, getting his attention back. "Have you ever heard of someone's quirk just... disappearing? Like, if it just stopped working?"

Michi a neutrally curious expression on his face, but his heart dropped to his stomach. "I don't think so," he said. "Why? What was the quirk?"

Kaminari nodded, looking disappointed. "My mom had Energy Absorption," he said. "A little less than a year ago, it just stopped working for some reason."

Oh, dear. Stomach all the way gone, dropped down to his toes and then past there to hell. Guilt was there to take its place, even though Michi knew he didn't really have anything to feel guilty about. This was seriously a sick coincidence. "I actually have a few ideas for that one," he found himself saying. No. Wrong thing to say, stop you absolute idiot. Looks like his hero complex wasn't completely gone. "I'll need to check some things, but I'll keep you updated."

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